What a wonderful God we have and I praise Him for all He has done, all He is doing, and all that He is going to do, not only for me, for all my family, too.
Went to the Doctor on Thursday and there are still no signs of deterioration. My vitals are all good; my lungs clear, my heart sounds good - and my blood cells both red and white are in the normal range. My daughter has a nurse friend who told her that with cancer the white blood count is always low - so this seems like a good sign. I know I am healed, but am waiting patiently for the Lord to reveal it in such a way that I can give Him all the glory. Amen? Amen!!!
I also told the doctor about what my first words were when they first mentioned cancer, (in case you forgot – it was “My God is bigger than any cancer.”) and said that it would not be long until she would know that I was free of cancer because God was healing me. I love her reply. She said that nothing would make her happier than for that to happen. Isn’t that great. So many doctors would scoff, but she didn’t and that made us all feel better.
Do not have to go back to the Doctor until February 5th (8 weeks) and that is nice, too. Barbie always drives in from Clarksville and both she and Cathie go with me. Then we go out to lunch and perhaps to Walmart, but we always enjoy being together. After this visit we went and picked up a couple of gifts that Cathie had signed us up for the weekend before. I had won a $50 gift certificate at a salon and I gave it to the girls so they went in and picked out some stuff and I was so blessed to be able to do that since they are always giving to me and it was nice to give to them. Then Cathie had won a “Doggie Basket” and was it ever nice. It was like a small wicker laundry basket filled with all sorts of goodies, leashes, feeding dish, etc. It was really nice but since she and Tim have cats, she gave it to Barbie and Steve for the new dog they will be getting next year. She and Steve lost their dog, Pepper, last year after 14 years so it was sort of a mixed blessing. But there was also a $25 gift certificate in the basket, which Barbie gave back to Cathie to use for their cats. So everyone was blessed.
Then we went to lunch but after that Cathie had to go and prepare for Saturday’s Open House at the Antiques Mall where she has a booth, so Barbie and I went home and got out the few Christmas decorations I had. After we had trimmed the small tree and put out a few other things I had, she decided that I needed more, so Friday morning we went to Walmart and had a really great time picking out decorations. Then we came back home and decided where they should all go. Of course, the wreath for the outside of the door was obvious, but then we found the right spot for everything else and it really looks nice. Then she helped me find boxes for all my gifts and helped me wrap them. Wasn’t that nice? It sure helped me. Of course, I still had to wrap hers and some for my friends, but that was no big deal and I finished them up by Saturday night.
Because of work schedules, we will not all be able to get together on Christmas Day, but we will celebrate the following Monday with every one there. And being together is the main thing, regardless of the actual date.
Now as we celebrate this Christmas season, I pray that each and every one of you will have a blessed Christmas and that 2009 will be your best year ever. Here is a Christmas poem I want to share with you. Hope it blesses you and please feel free to copy and share it is you so desire.
As we celebrate the birthday
Of God’s Beloved Son
We must praise and thank Him
For all that He has done
For He gave up His deity
To be a mortal man
As He stepped across the threshold
To fulfill His Father’s plan
Willingly He clothed Himself
In frail humanity
So He could pay the debt we owe
That we might be set free
Coming as a tiny babe
In such a humble way
Born in a lowly stable
And sleeping on the hay
So willing to be willing
No matter what the cost
Fulfilling His commission
To seek and save the lost
So in the midst of Christmas joys
Of merriment and fun
Take time to thank the Father
For giving us His Son
Kay Smith Crouch
Love and God's blessings to all of you all.

God's Promise
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What a wonderful Thanksgiving I had with my wonderful family. We were all there and we probably ate more than we should have, but it was all SO GOOD.
Also received an early Christmas present when Barbie took all the girls (Cathie, Angela and me) to see the Radio City Rockettes at the Grand Old Opry House in Nashville on Friday. It was a spectacular performance, but the final scene when they portrayed the Nativity and sang with it, was the very best part of the program. When they started singing the “Halleluiah Chorus” almost everyone stood and even joined in. It was a most emotional moment and we all went out with a glad feeling because we all know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Of course all good things come to an end, and on Saturday, after sharing a wonderful breakfast, Cathie, Tim and I headed home for Memphis. And as much as I enjoyed spending 10 days there, it was good to get home, too.
Now I am working on Christmas projects, including a Christmas letter and cards, plus getting gifts together for wrapping, etc. At this time of the year there is never a dull moment.
When I think of all the blessings I have received, not only over Thanksgiving, but also throughout the entire year, I am so very thankful. I am thankful for the wonderful family God gave me, for the wonderful friends, and most of all that He has chosen us to be part of His family.
Hope you had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did.
Also received an early Christmas present when Barbie took all the girls (Cathie, Angela and me) to see the Radio City Rockettes at the Grand Old Opry House in Nashville on Friday. It was a spectacular performance, but the final scene when they portrayed the Nativity and sang with it, was the very best part of the program. When they started singing the “Halleluiah Chorus” almost everyone stood and even joined in. It was a most emotional moment and we all went out with a glad feeling because we all know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Of course all good things come to an end, and on Saturday, after sharing a wonderful breakfast, Cathie, Tim and I headed home for Memphis. And as much as I enjoyed spending 10 days there, it was good to get home, too.
Now I am working on Christmas projects, including a Christmas letter and cards, plus getting gifts together for wrapping, etc. At this time of the year there is never a dull moment.
When I think of all the blessings I have received, not only over Thanksgiving, but also throughout the entire year, I am so very thankful. I am thankful for the wonderful family God gave me, for the wonderful friends, and most of all that He has chosen us to be part of His family.
Hope you had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Only two more days until Thanksgiving and I will be with my children and grandchildren as we celebrate this wonderful holiday together in Clarksville. It is a time when we remember all the things we have to be thankful about, and there are so many, but will only share a few.
First of all, I am so very thankful for the wonderful family I have, with two super daughters; two great sons-in-laws (that I call sons); two fabulous grandchildren that I was fortunate to see grow up into such wonderful adults; and a neat grandson-in law (which I call grandson). I know that legally they are “in-laws” but in my heart they ALL belong to me and I am grateful that God brought them into my family.
And then I am thankful for the wonderful Spiritual family He has given me. I have brothers and sisters all over the US, as well as in Ireland, England, India, Peru, Chile, and Australia that I hold dear to my heart. And even though we may not have seen one another for a while, it is nice to know that we have a relationship that will never end.
Of course I am thankful that I, and my family, live here in America where we enjoy the freedoms we do. I’m not saying our country is perfect, but it is ours and even more important, it is God’s.
My dad, my brother, two cousins, and myself are all veterans and I thank God that those who saw foreign action came home safely. Now have a great-nephew who is serving in the Navy. When I think of him, and all the other husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers who are serving our country, I am grateful for their sacrifices.
Received an e-mail this morning that contained a good idea and want to pass it along to any of you who might be interested in doing this.
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these
wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.
Mail to:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
Isn’t that a wonderful idea? I think it is and intend to send at least one, if not more. Hope each one who reads this will do the same. Feel it is the least we can do for those who gave so much for us. Don’t you?
It is my prayer that each of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, and I leave you with the following poem. Please feel free to share it with your family and friends if you so desire.
Thank You Heavenly Father
For every thing you do
For every thing You give us
For letting us love You
You’ve given us so very much
We don’t know where to start
Our lives – our very beings
Your love within our heart
The wisdom of Your Holy Word
Which opened up the door
To the promise of salvation
And life forevermore
The Son You gave so freely
The Life, the Truth, the Way
The Spirit that’s within us
Who guides our steps each day
And even when we miss the mark
You always understand
Reaching out to keep us
In the hollow of Your hand
So thank You, Lord, for everything
And may we always be
Ready and willing to serve you
Throughout eternity
Kay Smith Crouch
First of all, I am so very thankful for the wonderful family I have, with two super daughters; two great sons-in-laws (that I call sons); two fabulous grandchildren that I was fortunate to see grow up into such wonderful adults; and a neat grandson-in law (which I call grandson). I know that legally they are “in-laws” but in my heart they ALL belong to me and I am grateful that God brought them into my family.
And then I am thankful for the wonderful Spiritual family He has given me. I have brothers and sisters all over the US, as well as in Ireland, England, India, Peru, Chile, and Australia that I hold dear to my heart. And even though we may not have seen one another for a while, it is nice to know that we have a relationship that will never end.
Of course I am thankful that I, and my family, live here in America where we enjoy the freedoms we do. I’m not saying our country is perfect, but it is ours and even more important, it is God’s.
My dad, my brother, two cousins, and myself are all veterans and I thank God that those who saw foreign action came home safely. Now have a great-nephew who is serving in the Navy. When I think of him, and all the other husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers who are serving our country, I am grateful for their sacrifices.
Received an e-mail this morning that contained a good idea and want to pass it along to any of you who might be interested in doing this.
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these
wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.
Mail to:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
Isn’t that a wonderful idea? I think it is and intend to send at least one, if not more. Hope each one who reads this will do the same. Feel it is the least we can do for those who gave so much for us. Don’t you?
It is my prayer that each of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, and I leave you with the following poem. Please feel free to share it with your family and friends if you so desire.
Thank You Heavenly Father
For every thing you do
For every thing You give us
For letting us love You
You’ve given us so very much
We don’t know where to start
Our lives – our very beings
Your love within our heart
The wisdom of Your Holy Word
Which opened up the door
To the promise of salvation
And life forevermore
The Son You gave so freely
The Life, the Truth, the Way
The Spirit that’s within us
Who guides our steps each day
And even when we miss the mark
You always understand
Reaching out to keep us
In the hollow of Your hand
So thank You, Lord, for everything
And may we always be
Ready and willing to serve you
Throughout eternity
Kay Smith Crouch
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes, it has been a while since I have been on, but there has been a lot going on since then.
On October 5th Barbie and Steve picked me up and took me back home with them. God has blessed them with a beautiful home surrounded by lots and lots of trees and it is so beautiful there. They live in Southside, TN (south of Clarksville) and although it is a half hour drive into town, they love it – and so do I.
I was there for 3 ½ weeks and was treated like a queen. They are so good to me and I always enjoy being up there. It was great, too, that Barbie had fall break the week of the 13th, and Ben had two day break from college, so he was home for a couple of days, too. He had to go back on Tuesday, though, but it was fun having him around. He is so talented. Plays the guitar, composes music, works with the youth at his church in Murfreesboro, and is going to college as well.
On the 16th, Barbie and I drove to Knoxville to see my granddaughter, Angela and her husband, Zach. I had never seen their condo and they really have it fixed up nice. Plus I got to enjoy their dog, Jere, and their new kitten, Pickles. They are both affectionate and love to play, especially with each other. They were such fun to watch. The next day Barbie, Angela and I drove to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge to the Great Smoky Mountains. Although there was a misty rain, it was still beautiful and I enjoyed it very much. The next morning Zach took us all around Knoxville to view the college, where Angela used to live while she was getting her Master’s Degree there, and also the park where they got engaged. Topped it off with eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts as we parked by the Tennessee River. I was really surprised at that, because I know we cross the Tennessee on the way to Clarksville and did not know that it meandered the way it does. Steve came that afternoon and while they went to the football game, I stayed at home and had fun with Jere and Pickles. Then on Sunday, after church and a great meal, we had to say goodbye to Angela and Zach and drive back home. Needless to say, it was a great trip and I enjoyed it very much.
The following week Steve was on vacation, but I did not see much of him because he went out hunting early every morning and again in the late afternoon, and with a bow and arrow. He killed a deer the very first morning. I was glad of that because I really enjoy the deer steak he fixes and would hate to have them run out. Ha! But we still had time to fellowship and that was nice, too. He has a good sense of humor and yet we shared other things as well. And of course Barbie was always with us in the evenings and it was just nice being together.
I especially enjoyed looking out their big picture window and enjoying the beautiful trees they have. There are maples, oaks, pines, dogwoods, and more. You can imagine how beautiful they are during this fall season and could not help but think about how awesome our God is. He truly is a Master Painter and I never cease to be amazed at His great artistry. When you think of ALL the colors He has given us, plus so many shades of each color, you cannot help but praise Him. Plus sometimes there were deer and turkeys that came to the edge of the trees, and one day a big buck came across the lawn close to the back deck.
But finally, on the 29th, Barbie brought me back home again because I had a doctor’s appointment on the 30th. Really enjoyed being up there so long, but still I could hardly wait to see Cathie and Tim. It was so good to be with them, too, and Saturday they came over and watched the Ole Miss – Auburn game with me and we all enjoyed being together again.
Although I went to the Doctor last Thursday, she scheduled to have my abdomen drained on Monday (yesterday), so thought I would wait to see how that went before I wrote this blog. Except for the fluid in my abdomen and a slight sinus infection, I am doing great. Each time I go she expects to see some sign of deterioration, but PTL, she finds nothing else. The two previous times they drained my abdomen they took out 5 liters? Well, this time there were only 2 ½ liters and although it was still red, it was not as dark as the other two times. so think that is encouraging. Guess time will tell.
It has been over five months now since the doctor gave me her prognosis, and except for problems with my back and knees (and the fluid in the abdomen) still feel great. I know God is healing me and I also know that all the prayers so many people have prayed for me have made a difference. There is no way to express my thanks for all those who have prayed for me, and I know there are some that did not even know me. What a blessing!
I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, and here is a beautiful poem God gave me. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
Do not doubt but be at peace
Despite the things you face
Knowing Jesus holds your hand
And gives to you His grace
For His grace is sufficient
And it will take you through
Every kind of circumstance
That ever comes to you
Because whatever He allows
Is surely for your good
And He will stand beside you
Just as He said He would
Shaping you and molding you
That you be made His way
For He’s the Master Potter
And you are but the clay
Then as you yield to Him
How beautiful you’ll be
Made unique in every way
To live your destiny
So be content no matter what
Let anxious moments cease
Realizing all is well
And you can be at peace
Kay Smith Crouch
September 28, 2008
On October 5th Barbie and Steve picked me up and took me back home with them. God has blessed them with a beautiful home surrounded by lots and lots of trees and it is so beautiful there. They live in Southside, TN (south of Clarksville) and although it is a half hour drive into town, they love it – and so do I.
I was there for 3 ½ weeks and was treated like a queen. They are so good to me and I always enjoy being up there. It was great, too, that Barbie had fall break the week of the 13th, and Ben had two day break from college, so he was home for a couple of days, too. He had to go back on Tuesday, though, but it was fun having him around. He is so talented. Plays the guitar, composes music, works with the youth at his church in Murfreesboro, and is going to college as well.
On the 16th, Barbie and I drove to Knoxville to see my granddaughter, Angela and her husband, Zach. I had never seen their condo and they really have it fixed up nice. Plus I got to enjoy their dog, Jere, and their new kitten, Pickles. They are both affectionate and love to play, especially with each other. They were such fun to watch. The next day Barbie, Angela and I drove to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge to the Great Smoky Mountains. Although there was a misty rain, it was still beautiful and I enjoyed it very much. The next morning Zach took us all around Knoxville to view the college, where Angela used to live while she was getting her Master’s Degree there, and also the park where they got engaged. Topped it off with eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts as we parked by the Tennessee River. I was really surprised at that, because I know we cross the Tennessee on the way to Clarksville and did not know that it meandered the way it does. Steve came that afternoon and while they went to the football game, I stayed at home and had fun with Jere and Pickles. Then on Sunday, after church and a great meal, we had to say goodbye to Angela and Zach and drive back home. Needless to say, it was a great trip and I enjoyed it very much.
The following week Steve was on vacation, but I did not see much of him because he went out hunting early every morning and again in the late afternoon, and with a bow and arrow. He killed a deer the very first morning. I was glad of that because I really enjoy the deer steak he fixes and would hate to have them run out. Ha! But we still had time to fellowship and that was nice, too. He has a good sense of humor and yet we shared other things as well. And of course Barbie was always with us in the evenings and it was just nice being together.
I especially enjoyed looking out their big picture window and enjoying the beautiful trees they have. There are maples, oaks, pines, dogwoods, and more. You can imagine how beautiful they are during this fall season and could not help but think about how awesome our God is. He truly is a Master Painter and I never cease to be amazed at His great artistry. When you think of ALL the colors He has given us, plus so many shades of each color, you cannot help but praise Him. Plus sometimes there were deer and turkeys that came to the edge of the trees, and one day a big buck came across the lawn close to the back deck.
But finally, on the 29th, Barbie brought me back home again because I had a doctor’s appointment on the 30th. Really enjoyed being up there so long, but still I could hardly wait to see Cathie and Tim. It was so good to be with them, too, and Saturday they came over and watched the Ole Miss – Auburn game with me and we all enjoyed being together again.
Although I went to the Doctor last Thursday, she scheduled to have my abdomen drained on Monday (yesterday), so thought I would wait to see how that went before I wrote this blog. Except for the fluid in my abdomen and a slight sinus infection, I am doing great. Each time I go she expects to see some sign of deterioration, but PTL, she finds nothing else. The two previous times they drained my abdomen they took out 5 liters? Well, this time there were only 2 ½ liters and although it was still red, it was not as dark as the other two times. so think that is encouraging. Guess time will tell.
It has been over five months now since the doctor gave me her prognosis, and except for problems with my back and knees (and the fluid in the abdomen) still feel great. I know God is healing me and I also know that all the prayers so many people have prayed for me have made a difference. There is no way to express my thanks for all those who have prayed for me, and I know there are some that did not even know me. What a blessing!
I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, and here is a beautiful poem God gave me. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
Do not doubt but be at peace
Despite the things you face
Knowing Jesus holds your hand
And gives to you His grace
For His grace is sufficient
And it will take you through
Every kind of circumstance
That ever comes to you
Because whatever He allows
Is surely for your good
And He will stand beside you
Just as He said He would
Shaping you and molding you
That you be made His way
For He’s the Master Potter
And you are but the clay
Then as you yield to Him
How beautiful you’ll be
Made unique in every way
To live your destiny
So be content no matter what
Let anxious moments cease
Realizing all is well
And you can be at peace
Kay Smith Crouch
September 28, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
I think of all the lessons I have learned over my life and then wonder why I forget what I have learned from them. One of the things I have learned is to be content whatever the situation, and for the most part I try to be, but there are always those times when it is hard. I guess one of the hardest times was when I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and given a prognosis of only living for another three to twelve months. But then I am reminded that the first words out of my mouth when they first mentioned that dreaded word, was ”My God is greater than any cancer”! That is why I can stand in faith believing that God is taking away the cancer cells ant that I will be healed and then be able to testify of His goodness and give Him the glory He deserves.
I am also reminded of the words Paul spoke in Philippians 4:11, “ Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” And in verses 12 and 13, “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
What a wonderful reminder this is and I try to apply it every day, and for the most part I do remember. But on the days when life gets me down, I sometimes do forget. But then I also think of how I have been so blessed with such a wonderful family and such wonderful friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, who love me and show their love in many ways. So how could I not be content when I remember all this. In fact, I was meditating on this the other day when the Lord gave me two poems that I would like to share with you.
In every situation
Just learn to be content
Knowing God is in control
And orders each event
It may be just to test you
To see you’ll react
Or maybe just to show you
That nothing you have lacked
For He is more than able
To furnish every need
But you must learn to trust Him
And let your heart be freed
Freed to fellowship with Him
And walk with Him each day
As you draw closer to Him
And He shows you His way
Listening for instructions
On what He’d have you do
And then to be obedient
And always follow through
And even during hard times
He always is right there
That you might know contentment
For you are in His care
Kay Smith Crouch
“Fear thou not, for I am with you”
Thus says the Lord your God
He will strengthen you and help you
Along the paths you trod
Guiding and protecting you
Throughout both day and night
For His eyes are upon you
You’re precious in His sight
Giving you abundant life
Now and eternally
Because you choose to walk with Him
And you have been set free
Free to follow His commands
As He leads you each day
By listening and obeying
And living life His way
Though there’ll be tests and trials
Throughout your earthly life
Since He is always with you
You’ll weather every strife
For greater is He in you
And He will always say
“Fear thou not, My precious one
You’re in My heart to stay”
Kay Smith Crouch
I pray that one of both of these poems will bless you.
I am also reminded of the words Paul spoke in Philippians 4:11, “ Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” And in verses 12 and 13, “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
What a wonderful reminder this is and I try to apply it every day, and for the most part I do remember. But on the days when life gets me down, I sometimes do forget. But then I also think of how I have been so blessed with such a wonderful family and such wonderful friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, who love me and show their love in many ways. So how could I not be content when I remember all this. In fact, I was meditating on this the other day when the Lord gave me two poems that I would like to share with you.
In every situation
Just learn to be content
Knowing God is in control
And orders each event
It may be just to test you
To see you’ll react
Or maybe just to show you
That nothing you have lacked
For He is more than able
To furnish every need
But you must learn to trust Him
And let your heart be freed
Freed to fellowship with Him
And walk with Him each day
As you draw closer to Him
And He shows you His way
Listening for instructions
On what He’d have you do
And then to be obedient
And always follow through
And even during hard times
He always is right there
That you might know contentment
For you are in His care
Kay Smith Crouch
“Fear thou not, for I am with you”
Thus says the Lord your God
He will strengthen you and help you
Along the paths you trod
Guiding and protecting you
Throughout both day and night
For His eyes are upon you
You’re precious in His sight
Giving you abundant life
Now and eternally
Because you choose to walk with Him
And you have been set free
Free to follow His commands
As He leads you each day
By listening and obeying
And living life His way
Though there’ll be tests and trials
Throughout your earthly life
Since He is always with you
You’ll weather every strife
For greater is He in you
And He will always say
“Fear thou not, My precious one
You’re in My heart to stay”
Kay Smith Crouch
I pray that one of both of these poems will bless you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
It has been about six weeks since I last wrote about what was going on with me physically, and now it is time for another report. Last Tuesday morning I had another 5 liters of fluid drained out of my abdomen (another 12 pounds, too) and it made me feel so much more comfortable. You can imagine all the pressure it put on my other organs, etc.
Then on Thursday went to the Doctor, and I’m glad to report that, other than the fluid buildup, everything was great. My vital signs were all okay, my lungs are clear, and she was very pleased – and surprised. Do not have to go back until Oct 30th – that’s 7 weeks. Isn’t that great?
Have to tell you, too, that one of my friends told me that God showed her that when they drained the fluid out, they were also taking the cancer cells out. And she did not know anything about my going to have the fluid drained on Tuesday. How is that for more confirmation? Don’t know how many more times that fluid will have to be drained, if any, but it is a comforting and encouraging word.
My Pastor often told us that “the truth is we walk in divine health, but the fact is that sometimes we have symptoms”. Guess we all need to remember that sometimes since everyone goes through times of having symptoms at one time or another. It is nice to know, though, that our God is in control and that He promises to always take us THROUGH these trials as He works in us to bring about His plans and purpose for our lives, even though we do not always understand.
It might be a while before the proof of this third miracle comes about – but just knowing that my family and so many of my friends are praying for me is such a comfort. And there are even friends of my daughter who have bit even met me that send me cards and loving messages. What a blessing that is.
God is so good and I give Him honor and glory for all He is doing in my life, and in the lives of my family and friends.
To finish, here is a poem the Lord gave to me that is a comfort to me, to my family, and I hope a comfort to every one who reads it.
Because you know your Saviour lives
You need not be afraid
For Jesus holds you in His hand
And your debt He has paid
That you not fear the future
But know that every day
He is your constant companion
And He will guide your way
For when you’re walking with Him
And listening to His voice
You will know His peace and love
And your heart will rejoice
He’ll give you every thing you need
To make it through each day
Living one day at a time
As He leads you His way
And even when the trials come
You know He’ll see you through
No matter what you’re facing
His grace He’ll give to you
As you surrender daily
That His plans you fulfill
Because you know He loves you
And that He always will
Kay Smith Crouch
Then on Thursday went to the Doctor, and I’m glad to report that, other than the fluid buildup, everything was great. My vital signs were all okay, my lungs are clear, and she was very pleased – and surprised. Do not have to go back until Oct 30th – that’s 7 weeks. Isn’t that great?
Have to tell you, too, that one of my friends told me that God showed her that when they drained the fluid out, they were also taking the cancer cells out. And she did not know anything about my going to have the fluid drained on Tuesday. How is that for more confirmation? Don’t know how many more times that fluid will have to be drained, if any, but it is a comforting and encouraging word.
My Pastor often told us that “the truth is we walk in divine health, but the fact is that sometimes we have symptoms”. Guess we all need to remember that sometimes since everyone goes through times of having symptoms at one time or another. It is nice to know, though, that our God is in control and that He promises to always take us THROUGH these trials as He works in us to bring about His plans and purpose for our lives, even though we do not always understand.
It might be a while before the proof of this third miracle comes about – but just knowing that my family and so many of my friends are praying for me is such a comfort. And there are even friends of my daughter who have bit even met me that send me cards and loving messages. What a blessing that is.
God is so good and I give Him honor and glory for all He is doing in my life, and in the lives of my family and friends.
To finish, here is a poem the Lord gave to me that is a comfort to me, to my family, and I hope a comfort to every one who reads it.
Because you know your Saviour lives
You need not be afraid
For Jesus holds you in His hand
And your debt He has paid
That you not fear the future
But know that every day
He is your constant companion
And He will guide your way
For when you’re walking with Him
And listening to His voice
You will know His peace and love
And your heart will rejoice
He’ll give you every thing you need
To make it through each day
Living one day at a time
As He leads you His way
And even when the trials come
You know He’ll see you through
No matter what you’re facing
His grace He’ll give to you
As you surrender daily
That His plans you fulfill
Because you know He loves you
And that He always will
Kay Smith Crouch
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I have two daughters and they are both so very special. When I have the chance to spend time with them I enjoy them all the more. They both have a way of making me feel special and are so great about helping me and taking care of me.
Cathie and her husband, Tim, live here in Memphis and they are always helping me and bringing me things such as groceries or sandwiches – or sometimes just themselves. We often watch movies or sports events together and it is always nice having them here with me. Tim is an expert on the computer and fixing things and I don't know what I would do without either of them.
Barbie and her husband, Steve, live in Southside (outside of Clarksville), TN and it is about a 3-½ hour drive from here. She tries to come about every three weeks or so and she takes me out to eat and to shop at Wal-Mart. Then we often play cards or watch TV together. Steve does not get to come very often because of his job, but I know his love always comes with Barbie and that is special to me.
I have a Bible Study/Share and Care every Wednesday morning and Cathie often comes over and makes sure everything is looking nice. Last Wednesday morning she brought coffee, a chicken biscuit, and cinnamon rolls and we had a time of just sharing and fellowshipping before she did some cleaning Then Barbie drove in from Clarksville on Thursday and we went to eat at Perkins and then shopped at Wal-Mart. That evening Cathie and Tim came over and we all enjoyed bacon and tomato sandwiches – with tomatoes fresh out of Barbie and Steve’s garden. They were WONDERFUL. The difference between home grown and store bought is absolutely amazing. And that is true of the other vegetables as well. Next time she comes she will bring cantaloupes out of their garden. Looking forward to that.
My two girls have been blessings to me all their lives. They were always willing to pitch in when I needed them, even when they were small. I have a picture of them washing dishes for the first time and remember how they thought it was great fun. It did not take them long to get over that, though.
As I look back over the years I have seen them grow up from little girls to young women,to college graduates, and now as mature women who are making a difference in their communities and I am so proud of them. The nice thing is that although they are both my daughters and have a lot of my attributes, they are also both individuals and can enjoy being different from me or from each other. At the same time there is closeness in our family that is truly wonderful and we all know that we can count on the others when we need them. That is truly a blessing from the Lord.
I can truly praise and thank the Lord for giving me not only two such wonderful daughters, but also two fantastic sons-in-law, a loving granddaughter and grandson-in-law, and a super grandson who all love me. What greater gift could I ever have than that?
Of course the very greatest gift of all is knowing Jesus as my personal Saviour – and knowing that He is that to every member of my family, too. No matter what is going on in my life I know that He is always there with me, loving me, guiding me, taking care of me, and blessing me. What a joy and a comfort to know this and realize His closeness every day.
I pray that every single person that reads this blog will come to know this wonderful Saviour and walk daily with Him. You will never regret it.
God bless each and every one of you.
I have two daughters and they are both so very special. When I have the chance to spend time with them I enjoy them all the more. They both have a way of making me feel special and are so great about helping me and taking care of me.
Cathie and her husband, Tim, live here in Memphis and they are always helping me and bringing me things such as groceries or sandwiches – or sometimes just themselves. We often watch movies or sports events together and it is always nice having them here with me. Tim is an expert on the computer and fixing things and I don't know what I would do without either of them.
Barbie and her husband, Steve, live in Southside (outside of Clarksville), TN and it is about a 3-½ hour drive from here. She tries to come about every three weeks or so and she takes me out to eat and to shop at Wal-Mart. Then we often play cards or watch TV together. Steve does not get to come very often because of his job, but I know his love always comes with Barbie and that is special to me.
I have a Bible Study/Share and Care every Wednesday morning and Cathie often comes over and makes sure everything is looking nice. Last Wednesday morning she brought coffee, a chicken biscuit, and cinnamon rolls and we had a time of just sharing and fellowshipping before she did some cleaning Then Barbie drove in from Clarksville on Thursday and we went to eat at Perkins and then shopped at Wal-Mart. That evening Cathie and Tim came over and we all enjoyed bacon and tomato sandwiches – with tomatoes fresh out of Barbie and Steve’s garden. They were WONDERFUL. The difference between home grown and store bought is absolutely amazing. And that is true of the other vegetables as well. Next time she comes she will bring cantaloupes out of their garden. Looking forward to that.
My two girls have been blessings to me all their lives. They were always willing to pitch in when I needed them, even when they were small. I have a picture of them washing dishes for the first time and remember how they thought it was great fun. It did not take them long to get over that, though.
As I look back over the years I have seen them grow up from little girls to young women,to college graduates, and now as mature women who are making a difference in their communities and I am so proud of them. The nice thing is that although they are both my daughters and have a lot of my attributes, they are also both individuals and can enjoy being different from me or from each other. At the same time there is closeness in our family that is truly wonderful and we all know that we can count on the others when we need them. That is truly a blessing from the Lord.
I can truly praise and thank the Lord for giving me not only two such wonderful daughters, but also two fantastic sons-in-law, a loving granddaughter and grandson-in-law, and a super grandson who all love me. What greater gift could I ever have than that?
Of course the very greatest gift of all is knowing Jesus as my personal Saviour – and knowing that He is that to every member of my family, too. No matter what is going on in my life I know that He is always there with me, loving me, guiding me, taking care of me, and blessing me. What a joy and a comfort to know this and realize His closeness every day.
I pray that every single person that reads this blog will come to know this wonderful Saviour and walk daily with Him. You will never regret it.
God bless each and every one of you.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Know it has been a while, but there has been nothing to report. But I went to the Doctor and she checked me over. My blood pressure, etc. were all very good, and then she checked my lungs. She was in back of me and I could not see her face, but my daughters were with me and they could. They said her eyes got bigger and she had such a look of surprise on her face and then she said, "Your lungs sound great!" We think she expected some signs of deterioration in my system and that is why she was so surprised. Of course we weren't, because I am doing great (except for my knees and back) and am starting to do more things like I was doing before all this hit me last March. It has been a rough five months, but I know what God told me "that I do not have cancer" and I am standing on His Word. And I am very grateful that you are all standing with me in this.
Even though I do not know how - or when - the proof of this third miracle will come, I know that it will, because of the prayers and love of my family and friends.. You will never know how much that means to me, because even though I am doing pretty well physically, the real battle is in the mind and knowing that you are all there for me makes so much difference.
Because the Doctor wrote "dong very well" on her report, I do not have to go back again for six weeks.
Other reasons I have not written sooner are:
1. Celebrated my 75th birthday (imagine being ¾ of a century old) and it was a wonderful time because ALL my family were able to be here. My daughters, Cathie and Barbie; their husbands, Tim and Steve; my grandchildren, Angela and her husband, Zach, and Ben helped me celebrate. Took pictures, received nice gifts, and enjoyed having them all with me.
The picture at the top is all my family. Standing behind me are, from l-r Angela, Steve, Barbie, Cathie and Tim. Kneeling in front of me are Zach and Ben.
2. The second reason was that I could not find where I wrote down my password so could not get
in to post a new one. But I finally remembered it and here I am.
Also, during this past month, Barbie and Steve celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary on August 18th, Angela had her 26th birthday on the 24th, and Ben his 24th birthday on the 15th. I am sure that Barbie and Steve never dreamed that both their children would be born in August when they set their wedding date. Ha! Although I was not able to be with any of them on their special days, did get to talk to them and that was nice. Think it is very interesting that my daughters are lacking 8 days of being two years apart – Steve and his sister, Deborah, are lacking 10 days of being two years apart – and their children, Angela and Ben, are lacking 9 days of being two years apart. Don’t know what the significance of that is, but do think it is interesting, don’t you?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
It has been a while since I have written, but during these last few months I have gone through some things that I never expected to happen to me. Guess that is because for the first 74 years of my life I have been fairly healthy. The only problem I was having was with my back and arthritis in my knee. Then I caught some kind of bug last March that I could not shake off. This lead to a cough and shortness of breath. So I finally went to the Doctor on May 9th, thinking I would get a couple of prescriptions and come home, but they found fluid in my lungs and sent me straight to the emergency room. They did all sorts of tests and the Doctor there finally told me I was a “diagnostic dilemma” because they could not locate the source. So I was admitted and for the next six days they poked and prodded and tested and drew enough blood to float a ship.
Now let me share a couple of miracles. First, one of the ultrasounds showed that I had an aneurysm about 5.6 centimeters long in my aorta and they told me I would have to have surgery. Well, then they did a cat scan and it showed absolutely nothing. Now there will be some who would say that they just made a mistake on the ultrasound – but we know It was the Lord. Then they thought I had a blood clot in my lung – but they did more testing and could not find any signs of a clot anywhere in my body. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Finally, although they could never come up with a source for the fluid in my lungs and abdomen, they came and told me that some of the cells they had tested showed they were cancerous and malignant, so they called in a specialist and she scheduled more tests – but I could do them out of the hospital. So they released me to come home. I still had fluid and they got me an oxygen tank just in case. Because I had no other pain or symptoms was why it is so intriguing to the doctors because through all the tests they performed they found that my heart is good, my kidneys are good, etc. They just could not discover the source of the fluid.
Well, took the tests and the first one showed everything was okay, and we were all believing that the results of the PET scan would show no cancer cells, but when we went to the doctor, that was not the case. She did say there were no masses anywhere, but that the cells were the worst of all cancers (adenocarcenoma – a rare kind) and that there was nothing that could be done. Chemo or radiation would not help and basically she gave me a prognosis of three to twelve months. Needless to say, that was a shock to all of us - BUT - she is a doctor that deals with this all the time and this is what it looks like to her in the natural.
But PRAISE THE LORD, we are not in the natural, but in the SUPERNATURAL, and we are still standing and believing for a third miracle, even though it did not come as we expected. So many times in the poems the Lord has given me He reminds us “not to look at circumstances, or to go by what we see or feel or hear,” so we refuse to look at the circumstances.
It took a while before I had any news and during this time I spent a week and a half at my daughter’s home. It is out in the country and I so enjoyed not only the peace and quiet, but the beautiful trees the deer, the birds and butterflies, and more, all of God’s beautiful creations. Barbie and Steve treated me like a queen. They waited on me and made sure I could get around okay. Steve cooked deer steak for me twice and it was wonderful, plus a lot of other good stuff.
It has been a tough three months and I am glad the worst is over. On Tuesday, the 24th of May, they drained 5 liters of fluid out of my abdomen. Had weighed in the morning and then when I got home and I had lost 12 pounds. That’s a lot of fluid, and yes, it was filled with cancerous cells BUT we believe that it took ALL of them out of my body.
On the day Barbie came to get me, I received a phone call from a very dear friend who walks close to the Lord and she told me that God told her to call me and tell me that “I DID NOT HAVE CANCER AND THAT I HAD AUTHORITY.” He also said that, “FOR HIS PEOPLE THAT WALK IN AUTHORITY, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM COULD PROSPER”. How about that for a good Word, and it was just the confirmation I needed. I don’t know how God is going to work it so that I have proof of my healing (I have the medical records for my first two miracles), but know He will work it out.
Anyway, when we went to the doctor on the 25th, she told us that there were cancer cells in the fluid (which we already knew) and so her prognosis did not change at all. Of course, like I said before, she is a doctor and she calls it as she sees it – in the natural. So once again I had to deal with my flesh, but again, Praise The Lord, know He is pulling me through and I am just taking one day at a time. My biggest problem right now is trying to get my strength back, but I will, in Jesus’ Name.
Do want to share about a couple of good reports. First of all, we had been praying for a new car for my friend, Fran, and she won one in the St. Jude Dream House Contest. That is exciting enough, but wait until you read this next one. Another dear friend has a Goddaughter who had not yet started her period by 17, so they checked her and found that she had been born without a uterus or ovaries. Well, my friend prayed with her and for her and six month later she started having periods and they checked and she had a uterus. Last week they checked her again and not only does she have the uterus, but also two ovaries – all perfect. Isn’t that a wonderful, creative miracle by our God? Even the doctors said it had to be a miracle. So if He can do that, I know He will take care of me – and all of you, too.
Know this is long, but would like to share one more thing. My son-in-law asked me if I minded if he told his family and of course I said he could. A few days after that he received an e-mail from his sister who told him that she had read the e-mail to the family, and that night, when she was saying prayers with her grandchildren, she asked them if there was anyone else they needed to pray for, and the little grandson, 4 years old, said, “what about that other Grandma who is sick?” Isn’t that precious? At least I think it was and wanted to share it because we know how close children are to Him.
One thing I have learned through all this, and my family, too, is that none of us know when or how the Lord is going to call us home and we should all be prepared. I have a will but had not written out what I wanted as to services, etc. Now I am planning to do this so my family will know what I want and how I want things handled.
I do not know when He is going to take me home. It might be three months – three years – or even tomorrow. My prayer is that everyone who reads this will give serious thought to life, health, and the future, and especially to be prepared spiritually. Jesus is the only way – so I pray you all know Him and have taken Him for your personal Saviour.
It has been a while since I have written, but during these last few months I have gone through some things that I never expected to happen to me. Guess that is because for the first 74 years of my life I have been fairly healthy. The only problem I was having was with my back and arthritis in my knee. Then I caught some kind of bug last March that I could not shake off. This lead to a cough and shortness of breath. So I finally went to the Doctor on May 9th, thinking I would get a couple of prescriptions and come home, but they found fluid in my lungs and sent me straight to the emergency room. They did all sorts of tests and the Doctor there finally told me I was a “diagnostic dilemma” because they could not locate the source. So I was admitted and for the next six days they poked and prodded and tested and drew enough blood to float a ship.
Now let me share a couple of miracles. First, one of the ultrasounds showed that I had an aneurysm about 5.6 centimeters long in my aorta and they told me I would have to have surgery. Well, then they did a cat scan and it showed absolutely nothing. Now there will be some who would say that they just made a mistake on the ultrasound – but we know It was the Lord. Then they thought I had a blood clot in my lung – but they did more testing and could not find any signs of a clot anywhere in my body. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Finally, although they could never come up with a source for the fluid in my lungs and abdomen, they came and told me that some of the cells they had tested showed they were cancerous and malignant, so they called in a specialist and she scheduled more tests – but I could do them out of the hospital. So they released me to come home. I still had fluid and they got me an oxygen tank just in case. Because I had no other pain or symptoms was why it is so intriguing to the doctors because through all the tests they performed they found that my heart is good, my kidneys are good, etc. They just could not discover the source of the fluid.
Well, took the tests and the first one showed everything was okay, and we were all believing that the results of the PET scan would show no cancer cells, but when we went to the doctor, that was not the case. She did say there were no masses anywhere, but that the cells were the worst of all cancers (adenocarcenoma – a rare kind) and that there was nothing that could be done. Chemo or radiation would not help and basically she gave me a prognosis of three to twelve months. Needless to say, that was a shock to all of us - BUT - she is a doctor that deals with this all the time and this is what it looks like to her in the natural.
But PRAISE THE LORD, we are not in the natural, but in the SUPERNATURAL, and we are still standing and believing for a third miracle, even though it did not come as we expected. So many times in the poems the Lord has given me He reminds us “not to look at circumstances, or to go by what we see or feel or hear,” so we refuse to look at the circumstances.
It took a while before I had any news and during this time I spent a week and a half at my daughter’s home. It is out in the country and I so enjoyed not only the peace and quiet, but the beautiful trees the deer, the birds and butterflies, and more, all of God’s beautiful creations. Barbie and Steve treated me like a queen. They waited on me and made sure I could get around okay. Steve cooked deer steak for me twice and it was wonderful, plus a lot of other good stuff.
It has been a tough three months and I am glad the worst is over. On Tuesday, the 24th of May, they drained 5 liters of fluid out of my abdomen. Had weighed in the morning and then when I got home and I had lost 12 pounds. That’s a lot of fluid, and yes, it was filled with cancerous cells BUT we believe that it took ALL of them out of my body.
On the day Barbie came to get me, I received a phone call from a very dear friend who walks close to the Lord and she told me that God told her to call me and tell me that “I DID NOT HAVE CANCER AND THAT I HAD AUTHORITY.” He also said that, “FOR HIS PEOPLE THAT WALK IN AUTHORITY, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM COULD PROSPER”. How about that for a good Word, and it was just the confirmation I needed. I don’t know how God is going to work it so that I have proof of my healing (I have the medical records for my first two miracles), but know He will work it out.
Anyway, when we went to the doctor on the 25th, she told us that there were cancer cells in the fluid (which we already knew) and so her prognosis did not change at all. Of course, like I said before, she is a doctor and she calls it as she sees it – in the natural. So once again I had to deal with my flesh, but again, Praise The Lord, know He is pulling me through and I am just taking one day at a time. My biggest problem right now is trying to get my strength back, but I will, in Jesus’ Name.
Do want to share about a couple of good reports. First of all, we had been praying for a new car for my friend, Fran, and she won one in the St. Jude Dream House Contest. That is exciting enough, but wait until you read this next one. Another dear friend has a Goddaughter who had not yet started her period by 17, so they checked her and found that she had been born without a uterus or ovaries. Well, my friend prayed with her and for her and six month later she started having periods and they checked and she had a uterus. Last week they checked her again and not only does she have the uterus, but also two ovaries – all perfect. Isn’t that a wonderful, creative miracle by our God? Even the doctors said it had to be a miracle. So if He can do that, I know He will take care of me – and all of you, too.
Know this is long, but would like to share one more thing. My son-in-law asked me if I minded if he told his family and of course I said he could. A few days after that he received an e-mail from his sister who told him that she had read the e-mail to the family, and that night, when she was saying prayers with her grandchildren, she asked them if there was anyone else they needed to pray for, and the little grandson, 4 years old, said, “what about that other Grandma who is sick?” Isn’t that precious? At least I think it was and wanted to share it because we know how close children are to Him.
One thing I have learned through all this, and my family, too, is that none of us know when or how the Lord is going to call us home and we should all be prepared. I have a will but had not written out what I wanted as to services, etc. Now I am planning to do this so my family will know what I want and how I want things handled.
I do not know when He is going to take me home. It might be three months – three years – or even tomorrow. My prayer is that everyone who reads this will give serious thought to life, health, and the future, and especially to be prepared spiritually. Jesus is the only way – so I pray you all know Him and have taken Him for your personal Saviour.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Yesterday and today have been sort of on and off type of rainy days, and as I was sitting here thinking about the rain, I was reminded of a story about windshield wipers that I would like to share.
One rainy afternoon a man was driving along one of the main streets in town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick. Suddenly, his daughter spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat. "Dad, I'm thinking of something."
This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some fact for a while, and was now ready to expound all that her six-year-old mind had discovered. He was eager to hear.
"What are you thinking?" he asked.
"The rain", she began, "is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away."
After the chill bumps raced up his arms he was able to respond. "That's really good." Then his curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take this revelation? So he asked... "Do you notice how the rain keeps on coming? What does that tell you?"
She didn't hesitate one moment with her answer: "We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us."
And isn’t this the truth! What an awesome God we have that is ever ready to forgive us when we go to him and confess our wrongdoings! It is so nice to know that His grace and mercy are from everlasting to everlasting and that He loves us unconditionally.
The next time you are driving in the rain, I hope you will remember this little story as you turn your windshield wipers on.
Have a blessed day and remember this, too, that:
In order to see the Rainbow, you must first endure some Rain.
One rainy afternoon a man was driving along one of the main streets in town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick. Suddenly, his daughter spoke up from her relaxed position in her seat. "Dad, I'm thinking of something."
This announcement usually meant she had been pondering some fact for a while, and was now ready to expound all that her six-year-old mind had discovered. He was eager to hear.
"What are you thinking?" he asked.
"The rain", she began, "is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away."
After the chill bumps raced up his arms he was able to respond. "That's really good." Then his curiosity broke in. How far would this little girl take this revelation? So he asked... "Do you notice how the rain keeps on coming? What does that tell you?"
She didn't hesitate one moment with her answer: "We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us."
And isn’t this the truth! What an awesome God we have that is ever ready to forgive us when we go to him and confess our wrongdoings! It is so nice to know that His grace and mercy are from everlasting to everlasting and that He loves us unconditionally.
The next time you are driving in the rain, I hope you will remember this little story as you turn your windshield wipers on.
Have a blessed day and remember this, too, that:
In order to see the Rainbow, you must first endure some Rain.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
As I am sitting here at my computer, I can look up and see a picture of Spunky, the first dog we had after we moved to Memphis. I had told my girls that we would get one when, and if, we ever had a fenced-in backyard. Well, this came about and they were quick to remind me of my promise, so the next day we went to the animal shelter. Although we saw a lot of cute dogs, there was one who just captured our hearts and so we took him home with us (after the usual procedures of adopting a pet).
We named her Spunky and she was really the most precious dog. My Mom was living with us then and she fell in love with him, too. And although she slept on Cathie's bed every night, when we are all at home she had no favorites. We would be sitting in the living room watching TV and she would go sit by Mom, then came over by me, then Cathie and then Barbie. She truly loved us all the same. She was with us for almost 13 years and we all have many, many memories we could share. Probably the two things I remember most is how she would go to the door every school day afternoon and sit up so she could look out the storm door about two or three minutes before the girls would get home from school. Then at night, right at 10 PM, (bed time for the girls), she would go into the hall, turn around and look at them as if to say, "okay, it's time you came to bed." Needless to say, she was a very smart dog and even after my Mom went blind, and we were worried about her tripping over Spunky, she was always alert and never got in Mom's way. That was about the time that she started being more partial - and that was toward Mom. It was as if she knew and understood. Of course when we lost her, it was hard on all of us but we will never forget her.
Many people say that pets are "just animals" but for us, and I am sure many of you who have pets, they are like one of the family and we love them dearly.
Because I live in an apartment, I will probably never have another pet, but at least I can enjoy the cats and dogs that my children and grandchildren have as part of their families. May they all be as blessed, and be a blessing to them, as Spunky was to me and my girls.
We named her Spunky and she was really the most precious dog. My Mom was living with us then and she fell in love with him, too. And although she slept on Cathie's bed every night, when we are all at home she had no favorites. We would be sitting in the living room watching TV and she would go sit by Mom, then came over by me, then Cathie and then Barbie. She truly loved us all the same. She was with us for almost 13 years and we all have many, many memories we could share. Probably the two things I remember most is how she would go to the door every school day afternoon and sit up so she could look out the storm door about two or three minutes before the girls would get home from school. Then at night, right at 10 PM, (bed time for the girls), she would go into the hall, turn around and look at them as if to say, "okay, it's time you came to bed." Needless to say, she was a very smart dog and even after my Mom went blind, and we were worried about her tripping over Spunky, she was always alert and never got in Mom's way. That was about the time that she started being more partial - and that was toward Mom. It was as if she knew and understood. Of course when we lost her, it was hard on all of us but we will never forget her.
Many people say that pets are "just animals" but for us, and I am sure many of you who have pets, they are like one of the family and we love them dearly.
Because I live in an apartment, I will probably never have another pet, but at least I can enjoy the cats and dogs that my children and grandchildren have as part of their families. May they all be as blessed, and be a blessing to them, as Spunky was to me and my girls.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
On this Resurrection Day
We celebrate with joy
Because God’s Son rose from the dead
To devil to destroy
For Jesus Christ was crucified
And suffered on the cross

To guarantee eternal life
And save those who were lost
With stripes He took upon His back
And thorns pressed in His head
The spear thrust deep into His side
‘Till all His blood was shed
Yet knowing that it had to be
According to God’s will
To gain the final victory
And prophecy fulfill
For when that empty tomb was found
On that first Easter morn
It brought us a new covenant
That men might be reborn
So thank You, Heavenly Father
For all that You have done
Especially for Your Greatest Give
The life of Your Dear Son
Kay Smith Crouch
What a blessing to know that God loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His own Son that we might escape the punishment due us, and that Jesus would willingly take our place and die on the cross that we might know eternal life. All we can possibly need or want is in Jesus Christ. If we are restless He is our peace; if we are tempted, He is our strength; if we are unhappy, He is our joy – so that if we keep utterly depending on Him in every circumstance, life gets to e a glorious march of victory every day. Not that we’d ever get to be perfect on this earth, but in so far as we let Jesus Christ live our lives for us, victory would be the habitual thing, instead of defeat, as it is in most of us. And that kind of joyous life is what He meant us to have. It’s one thing that His death and resurrection accomplished.
You can’t even start to understand any of this unless you believe that Jesus Christ is your own personal Saviour. Except a man be born again he cannot perceive the kingdom of God. And you are born again if you believe that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” You see it was this way. The whole world was sinners. “dead in trespasses and sins.” God says that means spiritual death, which is separation from God. So, in order to have life, we must be born again from the dead, not of flesh and blood this time, as we came into our earthly families, but born of God’s Spirit, by accepting the life He offers in His Word. Into that we are born into the family of God. As for the believing, it isn’t being intellectually convinced. It is an act of the will. It is saying “I will trust myself to this thing and let God prove it to me afterward. For example, if at a meal I offered you shrimp and you said you had never tasted them and I told you they were delicious, so you tasted them and found it was true. You believed what I said enough to trust me and taste. The Bible says, “O taste and see that the Lord is good. Happy is the man that trusts in Him.” You can’t be intellectually convinced till you have tasted of course, but belief is just accepting and tasting.
It is not just dying that saves you, nor is it your good works. You see, we have all sinned, and the penalty of sin is death. Whoever is willing to accept His atonement may be saved. And it’s all up to us whether we will take it or not. It isn’t anything we can do or be. It is just taking Jesus as our Saviour, believing in Him, and taking Him at His word, having faith that He will do what He says He will do.
It is my prayer this Easter Sunday that those who do not know Him, or have not yet accepted Him, will choose to receive His gift of salvation. This is something that can be done at this very moment. For the Word says in Romans 10:9-10, ‘If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.’ Just believe in your heart and speak the following aloud.
“Jesus, I believe in my heart that You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You were raised from the dead for my justification. Forgive me of all my sins and accept me into Your Kingdom. I confess You now as my Lord and I have now become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I am saved.”
Now know that the Father has accepted you and He is rejoicing over your decision. The next step is to start reading the Bible and finding a church that teaches the true Word of God.
If you have chosen to do this, then welcome to the Family.
A blessed Easter to everyone.
Friday, March 21, 2008

Today we observe the day when Jesus was beaten, reviled, and scorned, ending with His crucifixion on the cross at Calvary.
When He died He had accomplished His purpose of taking all our sins and iniquities upon Himself and paying the debt we owe so we could go free. Thus He fulfilled the words of Isaiah 53:3-9
“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open his mouth.”
Imagine His loving us all so much that He was willing to go through all this, to take upon Himself our sins and their penalty of death, and who bore them all, with their shame and their punishment, that all of us who believe in Him might be free and one day go Home to Him without spot or blemish. As you give thought to this day and what it means in the lives of Christians everywhere, please think about these things and what He has done for us.
Today we observe the day when Jesus was beaten, reviled, and scorned, ending with His crucifixion on the cross at Calvary.
When He died He had accomplished His purpose of taking all our sins and iniquities upon Himself and paying the debt we owe so we could go free. Thus He fulfilled the words of Isaiah 53:3-9
“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open his mouth.”
Imagine His loving us all so much that He was willing to go through all this, to take upon Himself our sins and their penalty of death, and who bore them all, with their shame and their punishment, that all of us who believe in Him might be free and one day go Home to Him without spot or blemish. As you give thought to this day and what it means in the lives of Christians everywhere, please think about these things and what He has done for us.
The precious blood of Jesus
How freely it did flow
Upon that cross at Calvary
Two thousand years ago
And every drop of blood that fell
Christ gave so willingly
That every man might be redeemed
And live eternally
With stripes He took upon His back
And thorns pressed in His head
The spear thrush deep into His side
Til all His blood was shed
To heal all our diseases
And take away our sin
To overcome the enemy
As we are changed within
For when He was resurrected
He set the captives free
No more can Satan overcome
For now Christ holds the key
That we be washed as white as snow
Beneath the cleansing flood
As we come to know this Savior
Who shed His precious blood
Kay Smith Crouch
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Today is the first day of Spring, the 20th of March, and I would like to share twenty reasons that Spring is my favorite season of the year.
1 My daughter Cathie’s birthday – April 10th.
2 My daughter Barbie’s birthday – April 2nd.
3 My best friend Barb’s birthday – March 23rd
4 Temperatures are warmer
5 Can lower the thermostat
6 My lilac bush has green leaves on it
7 Jonquils
8 Tulips
9 Azaleas
10 Forsythia bushes
11 Blossoming fruit trees
12 Dogwood tree blooms
13 Baseball begins (I’m a diehard Chicago Cub fan)
14 Can open windows for fresh air
15 Watch seeds spring forth out of the ground
16 A time of new birth and new life
17 A sense of expectancy
18 A sense of hope
19Observe Good Friday and remember that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself and paid the debt we owe
20 Celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus
Hope everyone enjoys this great season and has a blessed Easter.
1 My daughter Cathie’s birthday – April 10th.
2 My daughter Barbie’s birthday – April 2nd.
3 My best friend Barb’s birthday – March 23rd
4 Temperatures are warmer
5 Can lower the thermostat
6 My lilac bush has green leaves on it
7 Jonquils
8 Tulips
9 Azaleas
10 Forsythia bushes
11 Blossoming fruit trees
12 Dogwood tree blooms
13 Baseball begins (I’m a diehard Chicago Cub fan)
14 Can open windows for fresh air
15 Watch seeds spring forth out of the ground
16 A time of new birth and new life
17 A sense of expectancy
18 A sense of hope
19Observe Good Friday and remember that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself and paid the debt we owe
20 Celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus
Hope everyone enjoys this great season and has a blessed Easter.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wednesday Mar 19th
Every Wednesday I have a Bible Study here in my apartment and although it is small, every week brings us something different. It is not a “structured” Bible Study in that we read a Chapter and discuss it every week, or study a certain book,, but we let the Holy Spirit lead us in what He would have us do. One time it was drawing Bible Promise cards, reading the verse, and sharing what it meant to the person who drew it. From a pack of thirty cards, the promises that were randomly drawn fit together as if it had been planned. We are a small group, but are all filled with a desire to know the Word and how to use it at the right time. Another time we took a page out of a book entitled “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young, looked up the supporting Scriptures, and read three verses above and three verses below to give us a better perspective on what the Word was saying. It is important to know who the words were addressed to and what the situation was all about.
During this week before Easter, many Christians – and non-Christians - are dying eggs, preparing baskets, etc. to give to those they love on Sunday. There is nothing wrong with giving baskets filled with candy and eggs and gifts, but in the midst of all this, there are those who do not even realize, nor believe, the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate.
My daughter and her family have a tradition of spending every Easter with her husband’s family in Eupora, MS. They will be going there again this weekend, but for the very first time their daughter and son will not be able to go. They are now young adults and have their own responsibilities which will prevent them from being there, but I know they will be their in spirit at least. As our children grow up and go their own ways, it is sometimes hard on the parents – and the grandparents, but such is life and most of us would not have it any other way.
During this week before Easter, many Christians – and non-Christians - are dying eggs, preparing baskets, etc. to give to those they love on Sunday. There is nothing wrong with giving baskets filled with candy and eggs and gifts, but in the midst of all this, there are those who do not even realize, nor believe, the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate.
My daughter and her family have a tradition of spending every Easter with her husband’s family in Eupora, MS. They will be going there again this weekend, but for the very first time their daughter and son will not be able to go. They are now young adults and have their own responsibilities which will prevent them from being there, but I know they will be their in spirit at least. As our children grow up and go their own ways, it is sometimes hard on the parents – and the grandparents, but such is life and most of us would not have it any other way.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
As Christians around the world celebrate this day, I am reminded of when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People spread their cloaks and palm leaves before Him and shouted,
"Hosanna to the Son of David!", "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!", and
"Hosanna in the highest!". I cannot help but think about how He must have felt on that day, knowing that in just a few days He would be reviled and cursed by these same people. But, thank God, He knew it had to be and was willing to go through this week for the joy that was set before Him.
"Hosanna to the Son of David!", "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!", and
"Hosanna in the highest!". I cannot help but think about how He must have felt on that day, knowing that in just a few days He would be reviled and cursed by these same people. But, thank God, He knew it had to be and was willing to go through this week for the joy that was set before Him.
Friday, March 14, 2008
As I start this new venture, I am excited that I can share my views, my thoughts, and some of the poems the Lord has given me. For this first one, I would like to share "The Master's Voice" and hope it will bless everyone who reads it.
God's voice may come in many ways
Oft times when you're in prayer
A gentle voice inside you
With loving thoughts to share
His voice comes through the Bible
In the Good News we proclaim
And through the lips of servants
Speaking in His Name
Through pastors and through teachers
Who share His Holy Word
Through prophets and exhorters
His wisdom to be heard
His voice comes through musicians
In songs they write and play
And through an artist's paintings
In the beauty they portray
Or He can speak through poetry
Which shares His grace and love
Messages of hope and joy
Sent by our Lord above
In praise and adoration
Just worship and rejoice
That you're one of the chosen
Who can hear the Master's Voice
Kay Smith Crouch
When you look around at the beauty of God's creation, know that He is always speaking to you and that He is always listening. It is wonderful to know that ANYONE can go to Him at any time.
God's voice may come in many ways
Oft times when you're in prayer
A gentle voice inside you
With loving thoughts to share
His voice comes through the Bible
In the Good News we proclaim
And through the lips of servants
Speaking in His Name
Through pastors and through teachers
Who share His Holy Word
Through prophets and exhorters
His wisdom to be heard
His voice comes through musicians
In songs they write and play
And through an artist's paintings
In the beauty they portray
Or He can speak through poetry
Which shares His grace and love
Messages of hope and joy
Sent by our Lord above
In praise and adoration
Just worship and rejoice
That you're one of the chosen
Who can hear the Master's Voice
Kay Smith Crouch
When you look around at the beauty of God's creation, know that He is always speaking to you and that He is always listening. It is wonderful to know that ANYONE can go to Him at any time.
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