God's Promise

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today is the first day of Spring, the 20th of March, and I would like to share twenty reasons that Spring is my favorite season of the year.

1 My daughter Cathie’s birthday – April 10th.

2 My daughter Barbie’s birthday – April 2nd.

3 My best friend Barb’s birthday – March 23rd

4 Temperatures are warmer

5 Can lower the thermostat

6 My lilac bush has green leaves on it

7 Jonquils

8 Tulips

9 Azaleas

10 Forsythia bushes

11 Blossoming fruit trees

12 Dogwood tree blooms

13 Baseball begins (I’m a diehard Chicago Cub fan)

14 Can open windows for fresh air

15 Watch seeds spring forth out of the ground

16 A time of new birth and new life

17 A sense of expectancy

18 A sense of hope

19Observe Good Friday and remember that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself and paid the debt we owe

20 Celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus

Hope everyone enjoys this great season and has a blessed Easter.


Barbie said...

I especially like #2!!!! Only 12 more days until I am half a century. I don't think I will be as old at 50 as you were! HEE HEE

Tim & Cathie said...

Always the optimist - A true Cubbie Fan.

Oh well can always dream.
