Know it has been a while, but there has been nothing to report. But I went to the Doctor and she checked me over. My blood pressure, etc. were all very good, and then she checked my lungs. She was in back of me and I could not see her face, but my daughters were with me and they could. They said her eyes got bigger and she had such a look of surprise on her face and then she said, "Your lungs sound great!" We think she expected some signs of deterioration in my system and that is why she was so surprised. Of course we weren't, because I am doing great (except for my knees and back) and am starting to do more things like I was doing before all this hit me last March. It has been a rough five months, but I know what God told me "that I do not have cancer" and I am standing on His Word. And I am very grateful that you are all standing with me in this.
Even though I do not know how - or when - the proof of this third miracle will come, I know that it will, because of the prayers and love of my family and friends.. You will never know how much that means to me, because even though I am doing pretty well physically, the real battle is in the mind and knowing that you are all there for me makes so much difference.
Because the Doctor wrote "dong very well" on her report, I do not have to go back again for six weeks.
Other reasons I have not written sooner are:
1. Celebrated my 75th birthday (imagine being ¾ of a century old) and it was a wonderful time because ALL my family were able to be here. My daughters, Cathie and Barbie; their husbands, Tim and Steve; my grandchildren, Angela and her husband, Zach, and Ben helped me celebrate. Took pictures, received nice gifts, and enjoyed having them all with me.
The picture at the top is all my family. Standing behind me are, from l-r Angela, Steve, Barbie, Cathie and Tim. Kneeling in front of me are Zach and Ben.
2. The second reason was that I could not find where I wrote down my password so could not get
in to post a new one. But I finally remembered it and here I am.
Also, during this past month, Barbie and Steve celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary on August 18th, Angela had her 26th birthday on the 24th, and Ben his 24th birthday on the 15th. I am sure that Barbie and Steve never dreamed that both their children would be born in August when they set their wedding date. Ha! Although I was not able to be with any of them on their special days, did get to talk to them and that was nice. Think it is very interesting that my daughters are lacking 8 days of being two years apart – Steve and his sister, Deborah, are lacking 10 days of being two years apart – and their children, Angela and Ben, are lacking 9 days of being two years apart. Don’t know what the significance of that is, but do think it is interesting, don’t you?
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