It has been quite a while since I have posted anything, but just have not had the chance – especially since I have been having a lot of problems getting on the Internet lately. But it is time for another report – and for those of you who have written me and did not receive an answer, I apologize.
As to the report itself – went to the Doctor’s yesterday and basically everything is the same. All the vitals and lab work are normal, etc. Still the only symptom is the fluid buildup in my abdomen but I am believing that this next draining will be the last one. Please stand in agreement with me on this.
Did have a couple of other problems, not related, but God is taking care of these, too. PTL!!!
Spent almost three weeks at Barbie and Steve’s and as always had a great time. I will never get tired of the wonderful view from their window. And the trees were changing every day. Also got to meet their new cat, Goldie. She is an outside cat but she is as pretty and gentle as can be. She will look in the window and you can almost hear her saying “come out and play with me”. Ha.
Angela and Zach drove from Knoxville to be with Steve for his birthday, and Ben came up from Murfreesboro for the day. And of course Barbie had made him a cocoanut cake (his favorite).
It was great seeing them all, and for those of you who might not yet know, our dear Angela is going to make Barbie and Steve (and of course Zech’s mom and dad, too) a Grandma and Grandpa. Of course that will make me, and Steve’s parents GREAT- grandparents. Isn’t that exciting? She is due in April and they will be finding out next month whether it is going to be a girl or a boy. Needless to say, the entire family is excited.
Now I am back home and busy filling orders for calendars, spiritual name cards, and other things as well. So although it is challenging, it is still fun and I love to try different things.
Cathie, Tim and I will be joining the family again at Thanksgiving so looking forward to that.
I know so many people are experiencing trials and testings and I pray they are standing on the Word and trusting God as I am – and I hope you are. You know, He did not promise us an easy life, but it certainly is a rewarding life when you live close to Him.
Know everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving, which is now less than two weeks away, and only four weeks after that we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus. Since I do not go back to the Doctor until January 7th, and don’t know when I will post another blog, I want to be sure and tell you all that I am so grateful for your love and your prayers, and that I pray for a blessed holiday season for you all. To that end I am adding two poems, one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas. I pray you will be blessed by them – and feel free to share them if you so desire.
Keep thanking God throughout the day
And give to Him your praise
For His eternal presence
And all His loving ways
Remembering the promises
Conveyed throughout His Word
Promises of hope and peace
And that you’ve been secured
Not to deny reality
For challenges there’ll be
But you have His assurance
He’s there to oversee
Yet in the midst of challenges
That come to everyone
You even then should thank Him
For all that He has done
Giving thanks for everything
No matter what takes place
For in every situation
He gives to you His grace
So everyday keep thanking God
That He has chosen you
And that you’ll walk together
Down pathways ever new
Kay Smith Crouch
God gave to us a precious Gift
Two thousand years ago
When He redeemed us from our sin
And paid our debt in full
He gave to us His only Son
Who came to earth as man
Born of the Virgin Mary
According to God’s plan
Giving up His Deity
And living life man’s way
With trials and temptations
And testings every day
Willing to go through suffering
Through sorrow and through pain
That He would truly comprehend
And counting it all gain
That we might freely come to Him
With confidence and peace
Knowing that He understands
And wisdom He’ll release
Now as you celebrate His birth
Remember all He’s done
And thank our Heavenly Father
For giving us His Son
Kay Smith Crouch

God's Promise
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my 76th birthday, with praise and thanksgiving for the wonderful Lord I serve. And if you have been a reader of this blog you will know that on my 75th birthday, they did not expect me to be around for this one. But, my God is good and I am still here.
It was May 30th of last year when they gave me three to twelve months to live, but if anything, except for the fluid buildup, I am in better physical condition than I have been in a long time. Have lost some weight and exercise every day, or at least almost every day, and feel so much better. And I’m working on the Devotional Book – and also a new poem tape/CD and hope to complete them soon, at least the latter. (I am only into February for the book.)
The last report I had sent out to all my prayer partners was June 5th, and at that time I had not gone in to have the fluid drained off my abdomen. Each time I have had that done in the past, the fluid was always a dark bloody red with black lines in it (at least that is the way it looked) and they told me it was the cancer cells. Well, on June 10th they took out 5 liters and it was NOT dark red, but a sort of cream color with a yellow tinge. Then I had another 4 liters taken out on July 22nd and it looked brown with a tint of red, but was still not the dark red as in the past. I am not sure what this means, and my doctor did not really address this, except to say that this last time the doctor could have punctured a blood vessel to make it brown. I wanted to ask her to test the fluid, but God told me not to, that His timing was always perfect. So I am just going to be patient and wait for Him.
It does not matter what the doctor says, or even thinks, for I know I am healed and it is just a matter of time before it is manifested and I have proof for the skeptics. I had told the doctor that there were a lot of people praying for me and standing with me for a miracle, and as I have not developed any more symptoms, and everything is in the normal range, and my vital signs good, she is aware that God has to be working in me. She cannot understand, but she is glad for me and I do not have to go back until the 17th of September. I would like to believe that there will not be any more fluid buildup, but even if there is, I know now it is just a matter of time before my healing manifests and the doctor will release me – with the proof that there are no more cancer cells in me.
We are so blessed to know what an awesome God we have, and how Jesus is always with us to guide us and encourage us no matter what we face as we learn to:
Hold God’s hand and trust in Him
Throughout both day and night
Being conscious of His presence
And walking in His Light
Casting all your cares on Him
Because He cares for you
Turning not away from Him
But facing each day new
Just let His love surround you
And wash away your tears
For His continued presence
Will overcome your fears
Depending on Him daily
To meet your every need
As you seek Him constantly
And His commandments heed
Spending time alone with Him
That you might know His will
Then to be obedient
That His plans you fulfill
For as you keep your hand in His
Responding to His love
You will always be assured
It’s you He’s thinking of
Kay Smith Crouch
June 23, 2009
It was May 30th of last year when they gave me three to twelve months to live, but if anything, except for the fluid buildup, I am in better physical condition than I have been in a long time. Have lost some weight and exercise every day, or at least almost every day, and feel so much better. And I’m working on the Devotional Book – and also a new poem tape/CD and hope to complete them soon, at least the latter. (I am only into February for the book.)
The last report I had sent out to all my prayer partners was June 5th, and at that time I had not gone in to have the fluid drained off my abdomen. Each time I have had that done in the past, the fluid was always a dark bloody red with black lines in it (at least that is the way it looked) and they told me it was the cancer cells. Well, on June 10th they took out 5 liters and it was NOT dark red, but a sort of cream color with a yellow tinge. Then I had another 4 liters taken out on July 22nd and it looked brown with a tint of red, but was still not the dark red as in the past. I am not sure what this means, and my doctor did not really address this, except to say that this last time the doctor could have punctured a blood vessel to make it brown. I wanted to ask her to test the fluid, but God told me not to, that His timing was always perfect. So I am just going to be patient and wait for Him.
It does not matter what the doctor says, or even thinks, for I know I am healed and it is just a matter of time before it is manifested and I have proof for the skeptics. I had told the doctor that there were a lot of people praying for me and standing with me for a miracle, and as I have not developed any more symptoms, and everything is in the normal range, and my vital signs good, she is aware that God has to be working in me. She cannot understand, but she is glad for me and I do not have to go back until the 17th of September. I would like to believe that there will not be any more fluid buildup, but even if there is, I know now it is just a matter of time before my healing manifests and the doctor will release me – with the proof that there are no more cancer cells in me.
We are so blessed to know what an awesome God we have, and how Jesus is always with us to guide us and encourage us no matter what we face as we learn to:
Hold God’s hand and trust in Him
Throughout both day and night
Being conscious of His presence
And walking in His Light
Casting all your cares on Him
Because He cares for you
Turning not away from Him
But facing each day new
Just let His love surround you
And wash away your tears
For His continued presence
Will overcome your fears
Depending on Him daily
To meet your every need
As you seek Him constantly
And His commandments heed
Spending time alone with Him
That you might know His will
Then to be obedient
That His plans you fulfill
For as you keep your hand in His
Responding to His love
You will always be assured
It’s you He’s thinking of
Kay Smith Crouch
June 23, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tomorrow is the 4th of July, the 233rd birthday of our beloved United States of America. Will it be a special day for you? I hope so, because it is the day when we can truly remember, and appreciate, our many freedoms.
Over the years, although most citizens claim to be patriotic, patriotism is not as prevalent as it used to be. Yes, you still see those who salute our flag when the Star Spangles Banner is played and our flag displayed, but not like it was when I was growing up. Even as children we learned to salute our flag and even display it proudly, and correctly.
For the most part, the people of this Country are loyal patriotic Americans. They are proud of our Nation and everything it stands for. But with the pace of today’s living being so fast,
people just don’t take the time to say or do anything to express these feelings. This is a shame, because the rest of the world hears mainly the loudmouths and the reports of corruption, etc. They do not remember that we have our choice of religions, or vocations, or leisure activities, and that we can vote the way we believe. Yet, when they hear all this other negative stuff, what do they have to really compare with their way of life and ours? To some, it may seem like a choice between the “frying pan” and the “fire”. Still, there are many who yearn to come here to live. They know there is great opportunity for those willing to work and take a chance. They know that they can do what they want to do, live where they want to live, go where they want to go, speak when they want to speak, and enjoy all the freedoms that we Americans many times take for granted because they are as familiar to us as breathing.
Each war gave vent to patriotic songs. From “Yankee Doodle Dandy” in the Revolutionary War; to “Over There” and “My Buddy” in World War I; to “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” and “America, I Love You” in World War II. And of course, one we still do sing today and that is “God Bless America”. During these first wars, Americans sang their way to freedom and peace. Since that time, there have been wars in Korea, in Vietnam, and in the Middle East, all unpopular, and with no songs really associated with any of them. Although there have been some new songs written over the years, such as “I’m Proud to be an American”, there has been no real emphasis that they applied to any of the later wars.
Most Americans like to sing, and now, when the entire world is in such turmoil, it might be a good time to start reviving some of the patriotic songs, Not only revive them, but sing them loud enough for all the world to hear. Remind them that we live in a free land and that, even with all its faults, America is neither the “frying pan”, nor the “fire”, but a well-seasoned pot roast.
I guess you can tell that I love patriotism and one of my fondest memories is the first time I ever stood retreat as a member of the US Women’s Air Force. In full dress uniform, the bugle sounding, and our beautiful flag slowly descending, I was never more proud that I was an American and was serving this great Nation. And, as my family can all verify, there is still nothing that compares with seeing Old Glory waving, especially all the large ones. And like most of you, hopefully all of you, I pray for God to continuing to bless America and all it stands for.
Over the years, although most citizens claim to be patriotic, patriotism is not as prevalent as it used to be. Yes, you still see those who salute our flag when the Star Spangles Banner is played and our flag displayed, but not like it was when I was growing up. Even as children we learned to salute our flag and even display it proudly, and correctly.
For the most part, the people of this Country are loyal patriotic Americans. They are proud of our Nation and everything it stands for. But with the pace of today’s living being so fast,
people just don’t take the time to say or do anything to express these feelings. This is a shame, because the rest of the world hears mainly the loudmouths and the reports of corruption, etc. They do not remember that we have our choice of religions, or vocations, or leisure activities, and that we can vote the way we believe. Yet, when they hear all this other negative stuff, what do they have to really compare with their way of life and ours? To some, it may seem like a choice between the “frying pan” and the “fire”. Still, there are many who yearn to come here to live. They know there is great opportunity for those willing to work and take a chance. They know that they can do what they want to do, live where they want to live, go where they want to go, speak when they want to speak, and enjoy all the freedoms that we Americans many times take for granted because they are as familiar to us as breathing.
Each war gave vent to patriotic songs. From “Yankee Doodle Dandy” in the Revolutionary War; to “Over There” and “My Buddy” in World War I; to “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” and “America, I Love You” in World War II. And of course, one we still do sing today and that is “God Bless America”. During these first wars, Americans sang their way to freedom and peace. Since that time, there have been wars in Korea, in Vietnam, and in the Middle East, all unpopular, and with no songs really associated with any of them. Although there have been some new songs written over the years, such as “I’m Proud to be an American”, there has been no real emphasis that they applied to any of the later wars.
Most Americans like to sing, and now, when the entire world is in such turmoil, it might be a good time to start reviving some of the patriotic songs, Not only revive them, but sing them loud enough for all the world to hear. Remind them that we live in a free land and that, even with all its faults, America is neither the “frying pan”, nor the “fire”, but a well-seasoned pot roast.
I guess you can tell that I love patriotism and one of my fondest memories is the first time I ever stood retreat as a member of the US Women’s Air Force. In full dress uniform, the bugle sounding, and our beautiful flag slowly descending, I was never more proud that I was an American and was serving this great Nation. And, as my family can all verify, there is still nothing that compares with seeing Old Glory waving, especially all the large ones. And like most of you, hopefully all of you, I pray for God to continuing to bless America and all it stands for.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Know it has been a while since I have written, but because of circumstances,just have not had the time to write as I would have liked to.
If you are familiar with my blog, you may remember that it a little over a year ago I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, a rare form of cancer that is incurable, and given 3 to 12 months to live. Well, PTL, I am now in my 13th month and, except for the fluid, everything else about me is fine. When I went to the Doctor on june 5th she said my lungs were clear, my heart sounded strong, my vitals are all good, the lab report shows that everything is in the normal range, and my body is otherwise functioning the way it is supposed to. Then, on June 10th, I had more fluid drained out of my abdomen and it was NOT the dark bloody red it had always been in the past, but a sort of cream color with a tinge of yellow in it (at least that is what it looked like to me and the girls). I have not talked to the Doctor (not scheduled to go back until July 30th) but I believe that this was definitely a breakthrough in God’s healing process. I have now asked all my friends and family that are prying for me to change their prayers from just being healed to praying for the MANIFESTATION AND PROOF of my healing so that I might testify of God’s great glory.
Next Sunday is Father’s Day and I am so grateful that I had not only a wonderful earthly Father, but that I have and know my Heavenly Father who is even more wonderful. And I am grateful that Angela and Ben have a wonderful earthly Father and that they also know and love their Heavenly Fahter. What a blessing to know that all my family loves the Lord and are serving Him in what He has called them to do.
I think back to when I was growing up and what a great family we had. There were just Mom and Dad, my brother Warren, and me, but we always enjoyed doing things together. We used to go on picnics and for automobile rides, and things like that. And when we went up to visit my aunt and uncle in Milwaukee, we had a lot of fun, too. Of course, I was the youngest (my brother was almost 8 years older than mt – and my cousins 14 to 20 years older) so as the cousins all got married and they became a big family, when we had picnics, etc., there were at least 50 or more that came together. Sometimes I wish we could all go back to those days, and then again, I am glad we can’t. Guess the best thing to do is to take one day at a time and let our Lord lead us the way He would have us go.
However, we do have our plans and next Monday, the 22nd, Barbie is coming after me and I am going back and spend a week with she and Steve. That will be nice. I always enjoy being up there and since school is out, will have more time to be with Barbie than usual, and that will be nice.
Again I thank God that He is my Heavenly Father and that nothing is impossible for Him. I pray you all know Him, too.
If you are familiar with my blog, you may remember that it a little over a year ago I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, a rare form of cancer that is incurable, and given 3 to 12 months to live. Well, PTL, I am now in my 13th month and, except for the fluid, everything else about me is fine. When I went to the Doctor on june 5th she said my lungs were clear, my heart sounded strong, my vitals are all good, the lab report shows that everything is in the normal range, and my body is otherwise functioning the way it is supposed to. Then, on June 10th, I had more fluid drained out of my abdomen and it was NOT the dark bloody red it had always been in the past, but a sort of cream color with a tinge of yellow in it (at least that is what it looked like to me and the girls). I have not talked to the Doctor (not scheduled to go back until July 30th) but I believe that this was definitely a breakthrough in God’s healing process. I have now asked all my friends and family that are prying for me to change their prayers from just being healed to praying for the MANIFESTATION AND PROOF of my healing so that I might testify of God’s great glory.
Next Sunday is Father’s Day and I am so grateful that I had not only a wonderful earthly Father, but that I have and know my Heavenly Father who is even more wonderful. And I am grateful that Angela and Ben have a wonderful earthly Father and that they also know and love their Heavenly Fahter. What a blessing to know that all my family loves the Lord and are serving Him in what He has called them to do.
I think back to when I was growing up and what a great family we had. There were just Mom and Dad, my brother Warren, and me, but we always enjoyed doing things together. We used to go on picnics and for automobile rides, and things like that. And when we went up to visit my aunt and uncle in Milwaukee, we had a lot of fun, too. Of course, I was the youngest (my brother was almost 8 years older than mt – and my cousins 14 to 20 years older) so as the cousins all got married and they became a big family, when we had picnics, etc., there were at least 50 or more that came together. Sometimes I wish we could all go back to those days, and then again, I am glad we can’t. Guess the best thing to do is to take one day at a time and let our Lord lead us the way He would have us go.
However, we do have our plans and next Monday, the 22nd, Barbie is coming after me and I am going back and spend a week with she and Steve. That will be nice. I always enjoy being up there and since school is out, will have more time to be with Barbie than usual, and that will be nice.
Again I thank God that He is my Heavenly Father and that nothing is impossible for Him. I pray you all know Him, too.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Whether you are a mother or a child, Mother's Day is very special. At least it is in my family. I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters (Cathie and Barbie) two great sons-in-law (Tim and Steve, and two wonderful grandchildren (Angela and Ben)- except now there are three because a grandson-in-law (Zach)was added in 2006. Although Angela and Zach could not make it home, and Ben was there for just a few hours, the rest of us had a great weekend.
Cathie and Tim brought me up on Friday and stayed the weekend. On Saturday the four of them went hiking on the property, climbing hills, fording streams, and having a great time together. They were out for about three hours and were really tired, but exhilarated, when they returned. That night Steve fixed deer steak for supper. He knew it was my favorite and it was a wonderful meal.
On Sunday, Mother's Day, we all went to church and it was nice to have a daughter on each side of me and all be together. After church Steve took us on a scenic tour and then came home to grill steaks. They were delicious and we all enjoyed them. Not too long after that, Cathie and Tim had to head back to Memphis, but I will be staying until the 27th. It's such a joy to be with Barbie and Steve and to enjoy their beautiful home and all the great scenery. It is so restful to be able to just sit and praise God for His artistry and His great love.
Although I did bring some projects to work on (I am going to do another Poem Tape and CD, and a couple of poem booklets, but a lot of the time I plan to read and just enjoy the peace and quiet here.
It seems that the Lord always gives me at least one new poem when i am here, but yesterday, He gave me four, but I am only going to share one with you. It is entitled "Buried Treasure" and it is so true that we all have treasure buried in us, but we do need to dig it out ourselves.
Hope you enjoy the poem - that you had a wonderful Mother's Day - and that you will do some digging into the Word.
Dig up the buried treasure
That dwells inside of you
Then stepping out in confidence
To do what you can do
Knowing that the God in you
Is greater than the foe
And when you search the Scriptures
He’ll help you learn and grow
That you might know the words to speak
And just what you should do
To overcome the enemy
Each time he comes at you
For God will give you wisdom
No matter what you face
If you will take your cares to Him
And His Words you embrace
You will always find an answer
But you must dig it out
Then act on it in confidence
Not having any doubt
For this treasure that’s within you
It’s all you’ll ever need
Because it is the Word of God
And it has been decreed
Kay Smith Crouch
May 12, 2009
Cathie and Tim brought me up on Friday and stayed the weekend. On Saturday the four of them went hiking on the property, climbing hills, fording streams, and having a great time together. They were out for about three hours and were really tired, but exhilarated, when they returned. That night Steve fixed deer steak for supper. He knew it was my favorite and it was a wonderful meal.
On Sunday, Mother's Day, we all went to church and it was nice to have a daughter on each side of me and all be together. After church Steve took us on a scenic tour and then came home to grill steaks. They were delicious and we all enjoyed them. Not too long after that, Cathie and Tim had to head back to Memphis, but I will be staying until the 27th. It's such a joy to be with Barbie and Steve and to enjoy their beautiful home and all the great scenery. It is so restful to be able to just sit and praise God for His artistry and His great love.
Although I did bring some projects to work on (I am going to do another Poem Tape and CD, and a couple of poem booklets, but a lot of the time I plan to read and just enjoy the peace and quiet here.
It seems that the Lord always gives me at least one new poem when i am here, but yesterday, He gave me four, but I am only going to share one with you. It is entitled "Buried Treasure" and it is so true that we all have treasure buried in us, but we do need to dig it out ourselves.
Hope you enjoy the poem - that you had a wonderful Mother's Day - and that you will do some digging into the Word.
Dig up the buried treasure
That dwells inside of you
Then stepping out in confidence
To do what you can do
Knowing that the God in you
Is greater than the foe
And when you search the Scriptures
He’ll help you learn and grow
That you might know the words to speak
And just what you should do
To overcome the enemy
Each time he comes at you
For God will give you wisdom
No matter what you face
If you will take your cares to Him
And His Words you embrace
You will always find an answer
But you must dig it out
Then act on it in confidence
Not having any doubt
For this treasure that’s within you
It’s all you’ll ever need
Because it is the Word of God
And it has been decreed
Kay Smith Crouch
May 12, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Time for another report and I am glad to say that everything is about the same as last time. Know that every time I go in to see the Doctor she is expecting some signs of deterioration, but, PTL, there is still no change. All my vital signs are good, the lab report shows everything in the normal range, and, except for the fluid, everything is functioning normally. What a blessing! I know it is because of the prayers and love of all my family and friends who are standing with me..
Just spent a week at my daughter’s home in Clarksville, TN. It was a busy week, but I still had time to gaze out of their big picture window and enjoy the view. The trees were starting to bud and grew bigger and greener every day. And, yes, I saw four deer and a big turkey. As always, it reminded me of how wonderful our Creator is and what beauty He put into our lives to enjoy. Also got to go to the Bunco Meeting where I finally met more of the group who had been sending cards and praying for me this past year. What a blessing to get to know them and to be able to put names and faces together. They are all precious ladies and I enjoyed my time with them.
Here in Memphis, the fruit trees are blossoming and there is forsythia and buttercups and even tulips to enjoy. I truly love Spring, not only for the beautiful colors, but also because it is the time of new life and hope. Although I also love the colors in the Fall, Springtime is my favorite time of the year.
I am so grateful for all the support and prayers during this time. As you can imagine, it has not been an easy time, and as the months go by and it gets closer to the end date of her prognosis (3 to 12 months), the enemy is really hitting full force. BUT, because of your prayers and the fact that you are all standing in faith with me, it is also closer to the time of my victory!!!!!!! My confession every day is “I will live and not die, and be a testimony for the glory of God”! This is the end of the 10th month and I am reminded daily that I am not to look at circumstances, or to go by what I see or hear or feel. How many times He has said that in the poems He has given me, but sometimes it is hard to remember and I catch myself having to ask His forgiveness when I forget.
As we draw closer to Easter, I remember how Jesus was so willing to suffer and give His life for us, and what I am going through is nothing compared to what He had to. And the same for whatever you are going through, too. And THROUGH is the key word, because He has promised to bring us through.
In trials and tribulations
The Lord will see you through
For He has promised in His Word
To always be with you
Holding you by your right hand
To guide your steps each day
Keeping you upon the path
That you not go astray
But even if you stumble
He’ll pick you up again
Setting you back on the track
According to His plan
You don’t have to be perfect
In thought and word and deed
Or to focus on performance
To have Him meet your need
You only need to trust Him
And give to Him your praise
For He is ever faithful
To lead you through your days
His love is unconditional
And always shines on you
Regardless of your actions
He’ll always take you through
Kay Smith Crouch
I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed Easter season, and that you will remember not only what Jesus did for us, but also remember what the Father had to go through watching Him suffer and die. What a wonderful God we serve. To think they would do this for us so that we might live eternally with Him. Hope you enjoy this poem that God just gave me this week about the “Man of Sorrows”.
He was a Man of Sorrows
Who died upon that cross
Willing to endure ‘til death
And counting it not loss
Because He knew His Father’s plan
To draw men back to Him
Giving them a chance at life
And not a future grim
Willing to be sacrificed
To pay the debt we owe
That we clothed in righteousness
And washed as white as snow
For when He died upon that cross
A mortal man was He
Yet pure and clean and free from sin
Fulfilling destiny
From birth to resurrection
He lived here on this earth
Going from the manger to the cross
To give us second birth
Giving up His life for ours
God’s wrath to satisfy
That we might walk with Him again
And on Him to rely
Kay Smith Crouch
March 24, 2009
Love and God’s blessings to each and every one who reads this.
Just spent a week at my daughter’s home in Clarksville, TN. It was a busy week, but I still had time to gaze out of their big picture window and enjoy the view. The trees were starting to bud and grew bigger and greener every day. And, yes, I saw four deer and a big turkey. As always, it reminded me of how wonderful our Creator is and what beauty He put into our lives to enjoy. Also got to go to the Bunco Meeting where I finally met more of the group who had been sending cards and praying for me this past year. What a blessing to get to know them and to be able to put names and faces together. They are all precious ladies and I enjoyed my time with them.
Here in Memphis, the fruit trees are blossoming and there is forsythia and buttercups and even tulips to enjoy. I truly love Spring, not only for the beautiful colors, but also because it is the time of new life and hope. Although I also love the colors in the Fall, Springtime is my favorite time of the year.
I am so grateful for all the support and prayers during this time. As you can imagine, it has not been an easy time, and as the months go by and it gets closer to the end date of her prognosis (3 to 12 months), the enemy is really hitting full force. BUT, because of your prayers and the fact that you are all standing in faith with me, it is also closer to the time of my victory!!!!!!! My confession every day is “I will live and not die, and be a testimony for the glory of God”! This is the end of the 10th month and I am reminded daily that I am not to look at circumstances, or to go by what I see or hear or feel. How many times He has said that in the poems He has given me, but sometimes it is hard to remember and I catch myself having to ask His forgiveness when I forget.
As we draw closer to Easter, I remember how Jesus was so willing to suffer and give His life for us, and what I am going through is nothing compared to what He had to. And the same for whatever you are going through, too. And THROUGH is the key word, because He has promised to bring us through.
In trials and tribulations
The Lord will see you through
For He has promised in His Word
To always be with you
Holding you by your right hand
To guide your steps each day
Keeping you upon the path
That you not go astray
But even if you stumble
He’ll pick you up again
Setting you back on the track
According to His plan
You don’t have to be perfect
In thought and word and deed
Or to focus on performance
To have Him meet your need
You only need to trust Him
And give to Him your praise
For He is ever faithful
To lead you through your days
His love is unconditional
And always shines on you
Regardless of your actions
He’ll always take you through
Kay Smith Crouch
I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed Easter season, and that you will remember not only what Jesus did for us, but also remember what the Father had to go through watching Him suffer and die. What a wonderful God we serve. To think they would do this for us so that we might live eternally with Him. Hope you enjoy this poem that God just gave me this week about the “Man of Sorrows”.
He was a Man of Sorrows
Who died upon that cross
Willing to endure ‘til death
And counting it not loss
Because He knew His Father’s plan
To draw men back to Him
Giving them a chance at life
And not a future grim
Willing to be sacrificed
To pay the debt we owe
That we clothed in righteousness
And washed as white as snow
For when He died upon that cross
A mortal man was He
Yet pure and clean and free from sin
Fulfilling destiny
From birth to resurrection
He lived here on this earth
Going from the manger to the cross
To give us second birth
Giving up His life for ours
God’s wrath to satisfy
That we might walk with Him again
And on Him to rely
Kay Smith Crouch
March 24, 2009
Love and God’s blessings to each and every one who reads this.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yesterday was George Washington’s birthday, and if we think about him, we picture him as the “Father of our Country”, our first President of these great United States. And just about everyone has heard the story of George and the cherry tree. There probably isn’t a child alive who hasn’t been told about this episode at least once. But I wonder how many have remembered it!
Apparently not many, or if they did, they just have not paid any attention to it at all. This is quite evident as we review the things told us by our co-workers, by sales people, by others we meet in the course of everyday living, and by our representatives in local, state, and national government, and even sometimes by our own family and friends. Is this right? Should a friend tell us we look good if we don’t; or our family tells us it’s okay to do something when it isn’t; or a salesperson tells us that the suit or dress makes us look good when it really doesn’t?
The answer to some of these questions is quite obvious. The answer to some of them depends upon your point of view. There are those who believe that “honesty is the best policy” no matter what, while others may believe this except when being honest would be harmful to someone. Of course, there are some who believe honesty is a matter of convenience and that the only thing wrong with lying is the fact that later it is often hard to keep their stories straight. And there are those who are pathological liars because they just cannot help it. Is there a difference between a lie and a fib? Is there such a thing as a “little white lie”? This is strictly between you and your conscious. There are many ways you can look upon the subject of lying, and what you do and what you say will ultimately reflect your beliefs.
One example of truth being the best policy is when a doctor tells a patient they have an incurable disease and gives them a prognosis of how much longer they have to live. It may seem harsh but it also prepares the patient to face reality. As many of you know, this happened to me last year, and it has caused me to look at life a little differently. The one good thing about it is that I have lots of family and friends who are standing in faith with me to be completely healed. Was the doctor wrong? With the information she had and looking at things from her perspective, she believed she was telling the truth. Yet it has been interesting to see that, except for the fluid buildup in my abdomen and lung (which get drained every so often), every time I go in my vital signs are all good and the lab reports show everything in the normal range. The truth does not always depend upon what man sees and knows, but what God has planned for each individual. Yes, there will be a time when I will go Home to Heaven, but it is in His timing, not mine – or the doctor’s.
I know that since this has happened, I really appreciate the beauty of the sky and the trees, and all the other beautiful artistry God has provided for us. I thank Him for the wonderful family and all the great prayer warriors He has given me to help me through this time. And I treasure the times when we can be together. Not that I did not always appreciate them and love them, but it is that I have learned not to take them – or anything else – for granted. These are gifts from our Heavenly Father and I treasure them highly.
I pray that as you read this, you will be blessed as you remember all the precious gifts of family and friends He has given to you.
Apparently not many, or if they did, they just have not paid any attention to it at all. This is quite evident as we review the things told us by our co-workers, by sales people, by others we meet in the course of everyday living, and by our representatives in local, state, and national government, and even sometimes by our own family and friends. Is this right? Should a friend tell us we look good if we don’t; or our family tells us it’s okay to do something when it isn’t; or a salesperson tells us that the suit or dress makes us look good when it really doesn’t?
The answer to some of these questions is quite obvious. The answer to some of them depends upon your point of view. There are those who believe that “honesty is the best policy” no matter what, while others may believe this except when being honest would be harmful to someone. Of course, there are some who believe honesty is a matter of convenience and that the only thing wrong with lying is the fact that later it is often hard to keep their stories straight. And there are those who are pathological liars because they just cannot help it. Is there a difference between a lie and a fib? Is there such a thing as a “little white lie”? This is strictly between you and your conscious. There are many ways you can look upon the subject of lying, and what you do and what you say will ultimately reflect your beliefs.
One example of truth being the best policy is when a doctor tells a patient they have an incurable disease and gives them a prognosis of how much longer they have to live. It may seem harsh but it also prepares the patient to face reality. As many of you know, this happened to me last year, and it has caused me to look at life a little differently. The one good thing about it is that I have lots of family and friends who are standing in faith with me to be completely healed. Was the doctor wrong? With the information she had and looking at things from her perspective, she believed she was telling the truth. Yet it has been interesting to see that, except for the fluid buildup in my abdomen and lung (which get drained every so often), every time I go in my vital signs are all good and the lab reports show everything in the normal range. The truth does not always depend upon what man sees and knows, but what God has planned for each individual. Yes, there will be a time when I will go Home to Heaven, but it is in His timing, not mine – or the doctor’s.
I know that since this has happened, I really appreciate the beauty of the sky and the trees, and all the other beautiful artistry God has provided for us. I thank Him for the wonderful family and all the great prayer warriors He has given me to help me through this time. And I treasure the times when we can be together. Not that I did not always appreciate them and love them, but it is that I have learned not to take them – or anything else – for granted. These are gifts from our Heavenly Father and I treasure them highly.
I pray that as you read this, you will be blessed as you remember all the precious gifts of family and friends He has given to you.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
There is an old saying and a popular song that “Love Makes the World Go ‘Round” and today this old world should really be spinning as that cute little cherub Dan Cupid shoots off a lot of love arrows in celebration of Valentine’s Day.
Just think of all the valentines that have been made or purchased this week, not to mention all the flowers, candy, and other types of gifts, including some diamond rings. Although we express our love on various occasions during the year, this is the holiday that is especially devoted to romance and affection. Everyone likes to be loved, whether it is a simple expression of friendship, or the courtship of that special one in your life.
I once wrote a column about how this holiday came into being and I happened to come across it, so thought you might enjoy knowing about it. Of course we know that it comes on the feast day of that Christian martyr, St. Valentine, but did you know there were at least two St. Valentines, and possibly more? Or that the customs we celebrate have nothing to do with the lives of these saints? It is generally believed to have come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia, which took place on the 15th of February. This festival, honoring Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the God of nature, was celebrated as a lover’s festival for young women and men who chose their festival partners by drawing names by chance. The partners would then exchange gifts as a sign of affection and many times such partnerships ended in courtship and marriage.
Wanting to give Christian meaning to what he considered a pagan festival, Pope Gelasius changed it to St. Valentine’s Day in 496, but the sentimental meaning of the old festival still remains. The holiday did not become popular in this country until the mid-1880’s, although the oldest valentines found in America date back to the early 1700’s.
Down through the years there have been many beliefs and customs in connection with this day, mostly concerned with romance or the choice of a mate. One of the oldest beliefs is that birds choose their mates on this date. There was also an old superstition that it was bad luck to bring snowdrop flowers into the house of an unmarried girl before Valentine’s Day if the girl hoped to get married that year. In some places an unmarried girl would strike her forehead with a folded rose petal. If the petal cracked, she knew that her valentine loved her.
Although these things might be interesting, one thing is for sure, Valentine’s Day is a day for children and lovers and no matter what customs or beliefs you might have, it is a fun day with lots of love and affection being spread around.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all this love and affection could be spread around every day?
Hope this Valentine’s Day has been special for you and that you celebrated it with those you love. I did!
There is an old saying and a popular song that “Love Makes the World Go ‘Round” and today this old world should really be spinning as that cute little cherub Dan Cupid shoots off a lot of love arrows in celebration of Valentine’s Day.
Just think of all the valentines that have been made or purchased this week, not to mention all the flowers, candy, and other types of gifts, including some diamond rings. Although we express our love on various occasions during the year, this is the holiday that is especially devoted to romance and affection. Everyone likes to be loved, whether it is a simple expression of friendship, or the courtship of that special one in your life.
I once wrote a column about how this holiday came into being and I happened to come across it, so thought you might enjoy knowing about it. Of course we know that it comes on the feast day of that Christian martyr, St. Valentine, but did you know there were at least two St. Valentines, and possibly more? Or that the customs we celebrate have nothing to do with the lives of these saints? It is generally believed to have come from an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia, which took place on the 15th of February. This festival, honoring Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage, and Pan, the God of nature, was celebrated as a lover’s festival for young women and men who chose their festival partners by drawing names by chance. The partners would then exchange gifts as a sign of affection and many times such partnerships ended in courtship and marriage.
Wanting to give Christian meaning to what he considered a pagan festival, Pope Gelasius changed it to St. Valentine’s Day in 496, but the sentimental meaning of the old festival still remains. The holiday did not become popular in this country until the mid-1880’s, although the oldest valentines found in America date back to the early 1700’s.
Down through the years there have been many beliefs and customs in connection with this day, mostly concerned with romance or the choice of a mate. One of the oldest beliefs is that birds choose their mates on this date. There was also an old superstition that it was bad luck to bring snowdrop flowers into the house of an unmarried girl before Valentine’s Day if the girl hoped to get married that year. In some places an unmarried girl would strike her forehead with a folded rose petal. If the petal cracked, she knew that her valentine loved her.
Although these things might be interesting, one thing is for sure, Valentine’s Day is a day for children and lovers and no matter what customs or beliefs you might have, it is a fun day with lots of love and affection being spread around.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all this love and affection could be spread around every day?
Hope this Valentine’s Day has been special for you and that you celebrated it with those you love. I did!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
What happened to January? Here I was at the first of the month paying bills and looking forward to the rest of the bowl games, etc., and all of a sudden it is February and I am back to paying bills. Time really has a way of slipping by fast and I can’t help but think that God is speeding things up for the Saint’s sake. And even though all you hear about is the recession and the hard times, it is still nice to know that God is in control and if you put your trust in Him, you will come out okay. That does not mean that you are exempt from the world and all its challenges, but it does mean that He will see you through whatever happens.
Those of you who have read my blog for a while know that last year I was given a prognosis of having three to twelve months more to live. Now I am in the ninth month of that time period and except for fluid in my abdomen and my lungs, there are not any other signs of deterioration that we can tell.
On December 31st I had about 2 ½ liters of fluid drained from my abdomen (before this it was usually 4 to 5 liters about every 8 weeks) and on January 29th had 4 liters drained from my left lung. Was scheduled to have the other lung drained the next day, but PTL, they said there was hardly any fluid in my right lung so did not have to go back the next day. Then, on Thursday, Feb 5th, went to see the Doctor. Once again everything looked and sounded good and do not have to back until March 26th.
As I said before, I am now in my ninth month since the initial prognosis and I know that it is the love and prayers of my family and friends that have been sustaining me during this time. And I know God is working in me to heal me completely. To Him be all the glory and honor.
I cannot tell you it has been easy, but again knowing they are all there for me, and that I do not have to fight this alone has made such a difference. They may never know how much, but God does, and He will bless them for it. I know I am not the only one who is facing battles and my love and prayers go out to them all every day, and even though I do not know any specifics, God does, and I trust He is working in their lives just as He is in mine. I do not think I could have come this far without them for there were times when I did want to give up, but just knowing they were all there for me kept me going and I cannot help but remember what the Word says about the prayers of a righteous man availing much. So I praise Him for His Word – and for bringing them all into my life.
Last year I was given a picture of Jesus holding the Bible in His hand and extending it out toward His people and every time I see it I am reminded that He has given us His Word that we might know how to live the abundant life He has for us. Everything that you would ever need to know is contained in it. He gives us instructions, He answers all our questions, and so much more. It is a constant source of information, of comfort, of exhortation, of praise, and a reminder of all His promises. Yes, we have problems and go through trials and tribulations, but He is always there to take us THROUGH them. But it is up to you whether you will let Him or not. He does not force you to do anything you do not want to do, but He does give you the opportunity to accept Him and when you do, He is always there for you. He will love you and guide you and take you by the hand that you will never be alone.
I pray that each and every one of you who reads this will know Him and follow Him.
When you learn to follow the King
How truly blessed you’ll be
For He will take you by the hand
And guide you constantly
But you must listen to His voice
And willingly obey
To receive the many blessings
That He wants to convey
The blessing of His presence
Wherever you may go
The blessing of His wisdom
To help you learn and grow
That you might walk in confidence
Whatever He might ask
Because He’s well equipped you
To handle any task
Wherever He might lead you
His presence you will know
Whether on a mountaintop
Or valley deep below
Knowing as you follow Him
He’ll keep you in His care
For you’ve surrendered to Him
And now you are His heir
Kay Smith Crouch
Those of you who have read my blog for a while know that last year I was given a prognosis of having three to twelve months more to live. Now I am in the ninth month of that time period and except for fluid in my abdomen and my lungs, there are not any other signs of deterioration that we can tell.
On December 31st I had about 2 ½ liters of fluid drained from my abdomen (before this it was usually 4 to 5 liters about every 8 weeks) and on January 29th had 4 liters drained from my left lung. Was scheduled to have the other lung drained the next day, but PTL, they said there was hardly any fluid in my right lung so did not have to go back the next day. Then, on Thursday, Feb 5th, went to see the Doctor. Once again everything looked and sounded good and do not have to back until March 26th.
As I said before, I am now in my ninth month since the initial prognosis and I know that it is the love and prayers of my family and friends that have been sustaining me during this time. And I know God is working in me to heal me completely. To Him be all the glory and honor.
I cannot tell you it has been easy, but again knowing they are all there for me, and that I do not have to fight this alone has made such a difference. They may never know how much, but God does, and He will bless them for it. I know I am not the only one who is facing battles and my love and prayers go out to them all every day, and even though I do not know any specifics, God does, and I trust He is working in their lives just as He is in mine. I do not think I could have come this far without them for there were times when I did want to give up, but just knowing they were all there for me kept me going and I cannot help but remember what the Word says about the prayers of a righteous man availing much. So I praise Him for His Word – and for bringing them all into my life.
Last year I was given a picture of Jesus holding the Bible in His hand and extending it out toward His people and every time I see it I am reminded that He has given us His Word that we might know how to live the abundant life He has for us. Everything that you would ever need to know is contained in it. He gives us instructions, He answers all our questions, and so much more. It is a constant source of information, of comfort, of exhortation, of praise, and a reminder of all His promises. Yes, we have problems and go through trials and tribulations, but He is always there to take us THROUGH them. But it is up to you whether you will let Him or not. He does not force you to do anything you do not want to do, but He does give you the opportunity to accept Him and when you do, He is always there for you. He will love you and guide you and take you by the hand that you will never be alone.
I pray that each and every one of you who reads this will know Him and follow Him.
When you learn to follow the King
How truly blessed you’ll be
For He will take you by the hand
And guide you constantly
But you must listen to His voice
And willingly obey
To receive the many blessings
That He wants to convey
The blessing of His presence
Wherever you may go
The blessing of His wisdom
To help you learn and grow
That you might walk in confidence
Whatever He might ask
Because He’s well equipped you
To handle any task
Wherever He might lead you
His presence you will know
Whether on a mountaintop
Or valley deep below
Knowing as you follow Him
He’ll keep you in His care
For you’ve surrendered to Him
And now you are His heir
Kay Smith Crouch
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