What a wonderful God we have and I praise Him for all He has done, all He is doing, and all that He is going to do, not only for me, for all my family, too.
Went to the Doctor on Thursday and there are still no signs of deterioration. My vitals are all good; my lungs clear, my heart sounds good - and my blood cells both red and white are in the normal range. My daughter has a nurse friend who told her that with cancer the white blood count is always low - so this seems like a good sign. I know I am healed, but am waiting patiently for the Lord to reveal it in such a way that I can give Him all the glory. Amen? Amen!!!
I also told the doctor about what my first words were when they first mentioned cancer, (in case you forgot – it was “My God is bigger than any cancer.”) and said that it would not be long until she would know that I was free of cancer because God was healing me. I love her reply. She said that nothing would make her happier than for that to happen. Isn’t that great. So many doctors would scoff, but she didn’t and that made us all feel better.
Do not have to go back to the Doctor until February 5th (8 weeks) and that is nice, too. Barbie always drives in from Clarksville and both she and Cathie go with me. Then we go out to lunch and perhaps to Walmart, but we always enjoy being together. After this visit we went and picked up a couple of gifts that Cathie had signed us up for the weekend before. I had won a $50 gift certificate at a salon and I gave it to the girls so they went in and picked out some stuff and I was so blessed to be able to do that since they are always giving to me and it was nice to give to them. Then Cathie had won a “Doggie Basket” and was it ever nice. It was like a small wicker laundry basket filled with all sorts of goodies, leashes, feeding dish, etc. It was really nice but since she and Tim have cats, she gave it to Barbie and Steve for the new dog they will be getting next year. She and Steve lost their dog, Pepper, last year after 14 years so it was sort of a mixed blessing. But there was also a $25 gift certificate in the basket, which Barbie gave back to Cathie to use for their cats. So everyone was blessed.
Then we went to lunch but after that Cathie had to go and prepare for Saturday’s Open House at the Antiques Mall where she has a booth, so Barbie and I went home and got out the few Christmas decorations I had. After we had trimmed the small tree and put out a few other things I had, she decided that I needed more, so Friday morning we went to Walmart and had a really great time picking out decorations. Then we came back home and decided where they should all go. Of course, the wreath for the outside of the door was obvious, but then we found the right spot for everything else and it really looks nice. Then she helped me find boxes for all my gifts and helped me wrap them. Wasn’t that nice? It sure helped me. Of course, I still had to wrap hers and some for my friends, but that was no big deal and I finished them up by Saturday night.
Because of work schedules, we will not all be able to get together on Christmas Day, but we will celebrate the following Monday with every one there. And being together is the main thing, regardless of the actual date.
Now as we celebrate this Christmas season, I pray that each and every one of you will have a blessed Christmas and that 2009 will be your best year ever. Here is a Christmas poem I want to share with you. Hope it blesses you and please feel free to copy and share it is you so desire.
As we celebrate the birthday
Of God’s Beloved Son
We must praise and thank Him
For all that He has done
For He gave up His deity
To be a mortal man
As He stepped across the threshold
To fulfill His Father’s plan
Willingly He clothed Himself
In frail humanity
So He could pay the debt we owe
That we might be set free
Coming as a tiny babe
In such a humble way
Born in a lowly stable
And sleeping on the hay
So willing to be willing
No matter what the cost
Fulfilling His commission
To seek and save the lost
So in the midst of Christmas joys
Of merriment and fun
Take time to thank the Father
For giving us His Son
Kay Smith Crouch
Love and God's blessings to all of you all.

God's Promise
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What a wonderful Thanksgiving I had with my wonderful family. We were all there and we probably ate more than we should have, but it was all SO GOOD.
Also received an early Christmas present when Barbie took all the girls (Cathie, Angela and me) to see the Radio City Rockettes at the Grand Old Opry House in Nashville on Friday. It was a spectacular performance, but the final scene when they portrayed the Nativity and sang with it, was the very best part of the program. When they started singing the “Halleluiah Chorus” almost everyone stood and even joined in. It was a most emotional moment and we all went out with a glad feeling because we all know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Of course all good things come to an end, and on Saturday, after sharing a wonderful breakfast, Cathie, Tim and I headed home for Memphis. And as much as I enjoyed spending 10 days there, it was good to get home, too.
Now I am working on Christmas projects, including a Christmas letter and cards, plus getting gifts together for wrapping, etc. At this time of the year there is never a dull moment.
When I think of all the blessings I have received, not only over Thanksgiving, but also throughout the entire year, I am so very thankful. I am thankful for the wonderful family God gave me, for the wonderful friends, and most of all that He has chosen us to be part of His family.
Hope you had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did.
Also received an early Christmas present when Barbie took all the girls (Cathie, Angela and me) to see the Radio City Rockettes at the Grand Old Opry House in Nashville on Friday. It was a spectacular performance, but the final scene when they portrayed the Nativity and sang with it, was the very best part of the program. When they started singing the “Halleluiah Chorus” almost everyone stood and even joined in. It was a most emotional moment and we all went out with a glad feeling because we all know the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Of course all good things come to an end, and on Saturday, after sharing a wonderful breakfast, Cathie, Tim and I headed home for Memphis. And as much as I enjoyed spending 10 days there, it was good to get home, too.
Now I am working on Christmas projects, including a Christmas letter and cards, plus getting gifts together for wrapping, etc. At this time of the year there is never a dull moment.
When I think of all the blessings I have received, not only over Thanksgiving, but also throughout the entire year, I am so very thankful. I am thankful for the wonderful family God gave me, for the wonderful friends, and most of all that He has chosen us to be part of His family.
Hope you had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did.
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