Only two more days until Thanksgiving and I will be with my children and grandchildren as we celebrate this wonderful holiday together in Clarksville. It is a time when we remember all the things we have to be thankful about, and there are so many, but will only share a few.
First of all, I am so very thankful for the wonderful family I have, with two super daughters; two great sons-in-laws (that I call sons); two fabulous grandchildren that I was fortunate to see grow up into such wonderful adults; and a neat grandson-in law (which I call grandson). I know that legally they are “in-laws” but in my heart they ALL belong to me and I am grateful that God brought them into my family.
And then I am thankful for the wonderful Spiritual family He has given me. I have brothers and sisters all over the US, as well as in Ireland, England, India, Peru, Chile, and Australia that I hold dear to my heart. And even though we may not have seen one another for a while, it is nice to know that we have a relationship that will never end.
Of course I am thankful that I, and my family, live here in America where we enjoy the freedoms we do. I’m not saying our country is perfect, but it is ours and even more important, it is God’s.
My dad, my brother, two cousins, and myself are all veterans and I thank God that those who saw foreign action came home safely. Now have a great-nephew who is serving in the Navy. When I think of him, and all the other husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers who are serving our country, I am grateful for their sacrifices.
Received an e-mail this morning that contained a good idea and want to pass it along to any of you who might be interested in doing this.
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these
wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.
Mail to:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington,D.C. 20307-5001
Isn’t that a wonderful idea? I think it is and intend to send at least one, if not more. Hope each one who reads this will do the same. Feel it is the least we can do for those who gave so much for us. Don’t you?
It is my prayer that each of you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, and I leave you with the following poem. Please feel free to share it with your family and friends if you so desire.
Thank You Heavenly Father
For every thing you do
For every thing You give us
For letting us love You
You’ve given us so very much
We don’t know where to start
Our lives – our very beings
Your love within our heart
The wisdom of Your Holy Word
Which opened up the door
To the promise of salvation
And life forevermore
The Son You gave so freely
The Life, the Truth, the Way
The Spirit that’s within us
Who guides our steps each day
And even when we miss the mark
You always understand
Reaching out to keep us
In the hollow of Your hand
So thank You, Lord, for everything
And may we always be
Ready and willing to serve you
Throughout eternity
Kay Smith Crouch

God's Promise
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Yes, it has been a while since I have been on, but there has been a lot going on since then.
On October 5th Barbie and Steve picked me up and took me back home with them. God has blessed them with a beautiful home surrounded by lots and lots of trees and it is so beautiful there. They live in Southside, TN (south of Clarksville) and although it is a half hour drive into town, they love it – and so do I.
I was there for 3 ½ weeks and was treated like a queen. They are so good to me and I always enjoy being up there. It was great, too, that Barbie had fall break the week of the 13th, and Ben had two day break from college, so he was home for a couple of days, too. He had to go back on Tuesday, though, but it was fun having him around. He is so talented. Plays the guitar, composes music, works with the youth at his church in Murfreesboro, and is going to college as well.
On the 16th, Barbie and I drove to Knoxville to see my granddaughter, Angela and her husband, Zach. I had never seen their condo and they really have it fixed up nice. Plus I got to enjoy their dog, Jere, and their new kitten, Pickles. They are both affectionate and love to play, especially with each other. They were such fun to watch. The next day Barbie, Angela and I drove to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge to the Great Smoky Mountains. Although there was a misty rain, it was still beautiful and I enjoyed it very much. The next morning Zach took us all around Knoxville to view the college, where Angela used to live while she was getting her Master’s Degree there, and also the park where they got engaged. Topped it off with eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts as we parked by the Tennessee River. I was really surprised at that, because I know we cross the Tennessee on the way to Clarksville and did not know that it meandered the way it does. Steve came that afternoon and while they went to the football game, I stayed at home and had fun with Jere and Pickles. Then on Sunday, after church and a great meal, we had to say goodbye to Angela and Zach and drive back home. Needless to say, it was a great trip and I enjoyed it very much.
The following week Steve was on vacation, but I did not see much of him because he went out hunting early every morning and again in the late afternoon, and with a bow and arrow. He killed a deer the very first morning. I was glad of that because I really enjoy the deer steak he fixes and would hate to have them run out. Ha! But we still had time to fellowship and that was nice, too. He has a good sense of humor and yet we shared other things as well. And of course Barbie was always with us in the evenings and it was just nice being together.
I especially enjoyed looking out their big picture window and enjoying the beautiful trees they have. There are maples, oaks, pines, dogwoods, and more. You can imagine how beautiful they are during this fall season and could not help but think about how awesome our God is. He truly is a Master Painter and I never cease to be amazed at His great artistry. When you think of ALL the colors He has given us, plus so many shades of each color, you cannot help but praise Him. Plus sometimes there were deer and turkeys that came to the edge of the trees, and one day a big buck came across the lawn close to the back deck.
But finally, on the 29th, Barbie brought me back home again because I had a doctor’s appointment on the 30th. Really enjoyed being up there so long, but still I could hardly wait to see Cathie and Tim. It was so good to be with them, too, and Saturday they came over and watched the Ole Miss – Auburn game with me and we all enjoyed being together again.
Although I went to the Doctor last Thursday, she scheduled to have my abdomen drained on Monday (yesterday), so thought I would wait to see how that went before I wrote this blog. Except for the fluid in my abdomen and a slight sinus infection, I am doing great. Each time I go she expects to see some sign of deterioration, but PTL, she finds nothing else. The two previous times they drained my abdomen they took out 5 liters? Well, this time there were only 2 ½ liters and although it was still red, it was not as dark as the other two times. so think that is encouraging. Guess time will tell.
It has been over five months now since the doctor gave me her prognosis, and except for problems with my back and knees (and the fluid in the abdomen) still feel great. I know God is healing me and I also know that all the prayers so many people have prayed for me have made a difference. There is no way to express my thanks for all those who have prayed for me, and I know there are some that did not even know me. What a blessing!
I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, and here is a beautiful poem God gave me. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
Do not doubt but be at peace
Despite the things you face
Knowing Jesus holds your hand
And gives to you His grace
For His grace is sufficient
And it will take you through
Every kind of circumstance
That ever comes to you
Because whatever He allows
Is surely for your good
And He will stand beside you
Just as He said He would
Shaping you and molding you
That you be made His way
For He’s the Master Potter
And you are but the clay
Then as you yield to Him
How beautiful you’ll be
Made unique in every way
To live your destiny
So be content no matter what
Let anxious moments cease
Realizing all is well
And you can be at peace
Kay Smith Crouch
September 28, 2008
On October 5th Barbie and Steve picked me up and took me back home with them. God has blessed them with a beautiful home surrounded by lots and lots of trees and it is so beautiful there. They live in Southside, TN (south of Clarksville) and although it is a half hour drive into town, they love it – and so do I.
I was there for 3 ½ weeks and was treated like a queen. They are so good to me and I always enjoy being up there. It was great, too, that Barbie had fall break the week of the 13th, and Ben had two day break from college, so he was home for a couple of days, too. He had to go back on Tuesday, though, but it was fun having him around. He is so talented. Plays the guitar, composes music, works with the youth at his church in Murfreesboro, and is going to college as well.
On the 16th, Barbie and I drove to Knoxville to see my granddaughter, Angela and her husband, Zach. I had never seen their condo and they really have it fixed up nice. Plus I got to enjoy their dog, Jere, and their new kitten, Pickles. They are both affectionate and love to play, especially with each other. They were such fun to watch. The next day Barbie, Angela and I drove to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge to the Great Smoky Mountains. Although there was a misty rain, it was still beautiful and I enjoyed it very much. The next morning Zach took us all around Knoxville to view the college, where Angela used to live while she was getting her Master’s Degree there, and also the park where they got engaged. Topped it off with eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts as we parked by the Tennessee River. I was really surprised at that, because I know we cross the Tennessee on the way to Clarksville and did not know that it meandered the way it does. Steve came that afternoon and while they went to the football game, I stayed at home and had fun with Jere and Pickles. Then on Sunday, after church and a great meal, we had to say goodbye to Angela and Zach and drive back home. Needless to say, it was a great trip and I enjoyed it very much.
The following week Steve was on vacation, but I did not see much of him because he went out hunting early every morning and again in the late afternoon, and with a bow and arrow. He killed a deer the very first morning. I was glad of that because I really enjoy the deer steak he fixes and would hate to have them run out. Ha! But we still had time to fellowship and that was nice, too. He has a good sense of humor and yet we shared other things as well. And of course Barbie was always with us in the evenings and it was just nice being together.
I especially enjoyed looking out their big picture window and enjoying the beautiful trees they have. There are maples, oaks, pines, dogwoods, and more. You can imagine how beautiful they are during this fall season and could not help but think about how awesome our God is. He truly is a Master Painter and I never cease to be amazed at His great artistry. When you think of ALL the colors He has given us, plus so many shades of each color, you cannot help but praise Him. Plus sometimes there were deer and turkeys that came to the edge of the trees, and one day a big buck came across the lawn close to the back deck.
But finally, on the 29th, Barbie brought me back home again because I had a doctor’s appointment on the 30th. Really enjoyed being up there so long, but still I could hardly wait to see Cathie and Tim. It was so good to be with them, too, and Saturday they came over and watched the Ole Miss – Auburn game with me and we all enjoyed being together again.
Although I went to the Doctor last Thursday, she scheduled to have my abdomen drained on Monday (yesterday), so thought I would wait to see how that went before I wrote this blog. Except for the fluid in my abdomen and a slight sinus infection, I am doing great. Each time I go she expects to see some sign of deterioration, but PTL, she finds nothing else. The two previous times they drained my abdomen they took out 5 liters? Well, this time there were only 2 ½ liters and although it was still red, it was not as dark as the other two times. so think that is encouraging. Guess time will tell.
It has been over five months now since the doctor gave me her prognosis, and except for problems with my back and knees (and the fluid in the abdomen) still feel great. I know God is healing me and I also know that all the prayers so many people have prayed for me have made a difference. There is no way to express my thanks for all those who have prayed for me, and I know there are some that did not even know me. What a blessing!
I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving, and here is a beautiful poem God gave me. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
Do not doubt but be at peace
Despite the things you face
Knowing Jesus holds your hand
And gives to you His grace
For His grace is sufficient
And it will take you through
Every kind of circumstance
That ever comes to you
Because whatever He allows
Is surely for your good
And He will stand beside you
Just as He said He would
Shaping you and molding you
That you be made His way
For He’s the Master Potter
And you are but the clay
Then as you yield to Him
How beautiful you’ll be
Made unique in every way
To live your destiny
So be content no matter what
Let anxious moments cease
Realizing all is well
And you can be at peace
Kay Smith Crouch
September 28, 2008
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