Yes, it has been a while since my last post, but a lot has been happeing in these past few months.
Of course, the holidays are always a busy time, and then in February something else happened.
Was not sure I was going to share this, but decided to do so, because I want to give God the glory for what He has done. Had a fluid buildup in my legs and ankles (do not know whether it was from the cancer or just one of those things that happen), but my legs were as big as those of a football tackle and so could barely lift them. Finally ended up in the hospital to have them drained. Was there for six days, but they would not let me come home by myself, so put me in rehab for another two weeks, for which I am very grateful. Because when I came home I was probably in better condition than I had been in a long time, so what the enemy meant for harm, God turned around for my good, and I do give Him all the glory. Had physical and occupational therapy both and they worked on getting me walking and functioning again so I could be on my own. I feel stronger and, praise God, had more therapy here at home for four weeks – twice a week. By the end of this time, I was able to do more than I have been able to do for years, and needless to say, I am thrilled about that, for most of you know I have had trouble with my back and knees for quite a while. Although they still give me some problems, because of the arthritis, not nearly as much as before and I am grateful.
As far as the other is concerned, they also drained six liters out of my abdomen while I was in the hospital, but once again it was light colored, even lighter than last time, so I am believing that there will not be many more. Of course, God’s timing is always right, and when He is ready to manifest my complete healing, that is the time I will rejoice. And I know you will all rejoice with me. Anyway, between the two drainings, they removed over 30 pounds of fluid out of my body. I wanted to lose weight, but guess that was not the best way to do it. Ha! Have to admit that this has been a trying, and a humbling situation, but I have learned so much from it and never again will I fail to take notice of changes in my body. Maybe I could have avoided the hospital visit if I had, and yet, so much good has come out of it.
It was exactly two years ago On May 16th when they first mentioned that dreadful word, and on May 30th told me it was incurable (adinocarcenoma) and gave me three to twelve months to live. Well, here I am two years later, and although His healing has not manifested completely, I believe it will be soon. And I thank so many people for standing in agreement with me on this. because, except for the buildup of fluid in my abdomen, everything else is doing okay. My blood work shows all in the normal range, my vitals are all good, and my system is functioning normally. What a mighty God we have!!!!!
When I tend to get tired, or frustrated, or discouraged, the Lord always reminds me that His grace is sufficient and that He has not given me anything that I cannot bear, especially when I have Him to lift me up and give me His peace. And I know that each and every one of you has to go through trials and tribulations, because His Word says we will, but I also know that He will bring you through just as He is bringing me through.
Last month He gave me a poem called “Precious Promises” (which will be at the end of this message) and I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me.
Of course, the GREATEST thing that has happened recently is that I am now a great-grandmother of a little boy born to my granddaughter and grandson, Angela and Zach. His name is Cooper Alan. He weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz, and was 21 ¾ ‘ long. And he is beautiful. (Yes, I know I’m prejudiced, but he is.) Cathie and Tim took me to Knoxville the 29th of April so we could see him, and hold him. What a thrill that was. Then Barbie came up on the 1st of May and we had a four-generation picture taken. That was exciting, too.
As far as the other is concerned, they also drained six liters out of my abdomen while I was in the hospital, but once again it was light colored, even lighter than last time, so I am believing that there will not be many more. Of course, God’s timing is always right, and when He is ready to manifest my complete healing, that is the time I will rejoice. And I know you will all rejoice with me. Anyway, between the two drainings, they removed over 30 pounds of fluid out of my body. I wanted to lose weight, but guess that was not the best way to do it. Ha! Have to admit that this has been a trying, and a humbling situation, but I have learned so much from it and never again will I fail to take notice of changes in my body. Maybe I could have avoided the hospital visit if I had, and yet, so much good has come out of it.
It was exactly two years ago On May 16th when they first mentioned that dreadful word, and on May 30th told me it was incurable (adinocarcenoma) and gave me three to twelve months to live. Well, here I am two years later, and although His healing has not manifested completely, I believe it will be soon. And I thank so many people for standing in agreement with me on this. because, except for the buildup of fluid in my abdomen, everything else is doing okay. My blood work shows all in the normal range, my vitals are all good, and my system is functioning normally. What a mighty God we have!!!!!
When I tend to get tired, or frustrated, or discouraged, the Lord always reminds me that His grace is sufficient and that He has not given me anything that I cannot bear, especially when I have Him to lift me up and give me His peace. And I know that each and every one of you has to go through trials and tribulations, because His Word says we will, but I also know that He will bring you through just as He is bringing me through.
Last month He gave me a poem called “Precious Promises” (which will be at the end of this message) and I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me.
Of course, the GREATEST thing that has happened recently is that I am now a great-grandmother of a little boy born to my granddaughter and grandson, Angela and Zach. His name is Cooper Alan. He weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz, and was 21 ¾ ‘ long. And he is beautiful. (Yes, I know I’m prejudiced, but he is.) Cathie and Tim took me to Knoxville the 29th of April so we could see him, and hold him. What a thrill that was. Then Barbie came up on the 1st of May and we had a four-generation picture taken. That was exciting, too.
4 Generations
Another nice thing about that weekend was that my nephew, Larry and his wife, Mary Ellen, drove down from Cincinnati to see us and we had a nice time together, even though it was only for two days. It was so good to see them.
On Sunday morning Barbie and I left to go back to her home in Clarksville. If you remember, that was the weekend the flooding was so bad in west and middle Tennessee. Although we did run into some heavy rain for about 15 minutes, we made it through Nashville and got on the road to Clarksville without any problem, but we found out later that less than two hours after we were on that road, it had been covered with water and closed. Again, how good our God is to protect us and take us through.
Came home last Wednesday evening and went to the doctor’s on Thursday. After she found that everything was virtually the same, she stated that she has never seen anything like this in all her years. She intimated that I should at least be showing signs of deterioration, but I don’t and that is strictly the blessings of our Lord.
Guess this is a bit long, but I hope it has caught you up on the situation and that you can praise the Father for all He is doing in my life – and I know in yours, too.
Love and God’s blessings to every one of you who reads this.
How precious are the promises
That come from God above
As He showers us with blessings
And pours out His great love
So many precious promises
And we can claim them all
Because He’s called us as His own
And we have heard His call
The promise of salvation
That frees us from our sin
The promise of His Spirit
That comes to dwell within
The promise of protection
That takes away our fear
The promise of His Presence
For He is always near
His promise not to leave us
No matter what we do
His promise of forgiveness
That we might start anew
So many precious promises
That we can claim each day
As we draw closer to Him
And let Him guide our way
Kay Smith Crouch
April 10, 2010
How precious are the promises
That come from God above
As He showers us with blessings
And pours out His great love
So many precious promises
And we can claim them all
Because He’s called us as His own
And we have heard His call
The promise of salvation
That frees us from our sin
The promise of His Spirit
That comes to dwell within
The promise of protection
That takes away our fear
The promise of His Presence
For He is always near
His promise not to leave us
No matter what we do
His promise of forgiveness
That we might start anew
So many precious promises
That we can claim each day
As we draw closer to Him
And let Him guide our way
Kay Smith Crouch
April 10, 2010